Music Speaks Louder Than Words


Music Speaks Louder Than Words
By Rev. Flossie Emzen

In most cultures throughout the world music is an intrinsic part of life. In many communities singing, drumming, and dancing are used throughout one’s life. They are used in times of joy and celebration and in times of heartache and sadness.

When our grandson received his Indian name, some of the members of the tribe brought a beautiful, huge drum that members played all afternoon. It was so big that three or four people played it all together. Before they made the drum, several of the men went out into the forest and spent several days in silence, praying and listening for guidance as to how to make the drum. When they felt ready to make it, they returned and worked together to make this beautiful instrument.

So, what is your song, what is the melody of your day? Do you have thoughts and beliefs that play throughout your day that create a refrain? Are you happy with your song? In Unity, we often say there is one power and one presence. We have a lovely affirmation that says, “There is one power and one presence in me and in my life, God, the good omnipotent.” Now that is a powerful affirmation!

My question is this: Is this one power also one song? Rumi, the 13th century mystic, has a beautiful poem, “One Song”, that embraces this experience of oneness. He says, “All religions, all this singing. One song. The differences are just illusion and vanity. The sun’s light looks different on this wall than it does on that wall, and a lot different on this other one, but it’s still one light. We have borrowed these clothes, these time and place personalities from a light, and when we praise, we’re pouring them back in.”

And so, we sing. We pour our song into our life. At Friends of Unity in Plymouth, we love the empowering, uniting, healing music of Empower Music and Arts. This music is written by professional songwriters and performers from all across the country. Three of these singers will present a PosiPalooza concert on Saturday, October 1 at 7 PM at the Plymouth Community Arts Council. We are welcoming Faith Rivera, Harold Payne and Sue Riley.

Join us for the concert on October 1! Also, join us each Sunday morning at 10 AM for an inspiring message, music that celebrates the human spirit, and a warm-hearted community.

Music speaks louder than words,
It’s the only thing that the whole world listens to.
Music speaks louder than words,
When you sing, people understand.

Harold Payne

Rev. Flossie Emzen
is the Spiritual Leader of Friends of Unity in Plymouth. She is an ordained Inter-faith, Inter-spiritual Minister
and a Licensed Unity Teacher. Visit: for more information.


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