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Level 1 Intuition Development 8-Week Class with Amy “Metafizzy” Garber

March 17, 2023 @ 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

**Level 1 Intuition Development 8-Week Class**
**with Amy “Metafizzy” Garber**

For all levels of ability!
In Person, 8 classes
Fridays, 6:30–9:00 PM
New dates: March 17–May 5, 2023*

*Starts when 6 students minimum are registered, or class may be postponed one or two weeks

COST: $200 (equivalent to $25/class; full payment expected whether you attend all classes or not)

Payment plans available ~ Credit/Debit & Venmo accepted.
Questions: Amy, 734-358-0218 or

EVERYONE has intuition! It’s our birthright, our internal GPS, our 6th sense that uses the other five senses — plus dreams, synchronicities, and other means to communicate with us. It’s more than just predicting the future; in fact, that is only ONE aspect of intuition. This isn’t just for people who want to become a professional reader (although you can). Learning to trust your intuition can help you in life: for making decisions, getting a heads-up about people & situations, and avoiding pitfalls. Whether you were a psychic child, are having visions or hearing things now, or are just curious and wanting to explore, NOW is the time to decode the messages and learn what you can do! This is an interactive class utilizing a combination of lecture, practice, and sharing, sometimes sharing potentially personal information. Full confidentiality is expected. Safe exploration with like-minded others provides a powerful experience. Join us!!

(Time permitting and dependent upon in-person versus virtual students)
* Types of “clairsenses” (e.g., clairvoyance/clear seeing; clairaudience/clear hearing… etc.)
* Understanding of intention/sources (spirit guides, angels, Higher Self)
* Meeting a personal Spirit Guide to work with
* Grounding and protection
* Exercises to test and open clairsenses (e.g., psychometry, telepathy)
* Confirmation tools
* Reading a person’s photo
* Exploration of the various ways that intuition speaks to us
* How to tell when it’s intuition and not our own personality or ego mind
* Ways to access intuitive information
* THERE IS HOMEWORK, and it’s very important to participate in it, to better exercise your gifts and more quickly learn to trust your intuition!
STUDENTS WHO MISS MORE THAN TWO CLASSES may not be eligible for a certificate. When possible, class materials and homework will be available for those who miss a class, for a make-up opportunity. Also, remote attendance by Zoom is encouraged if you cannot attend in person.

**ABOUT AMY “Metafizzy” GARBER**
Amy is clairvoyant, clairaudient, a medical intuitive, and conscious channel for her Master Guide, Philonius. She became an active student of metaphysics in 1993, learning meditation at the Lighthouse Center of Whitmore Lake with Cathy “Chetana” Florida and studying with Spiritualist ministers Rev. Shala Kilmer, Revs. Edward and Annette Jones, and Rev. Ken Nowaciewski, among others.

Amy was a founding member of the Center of Light Spirituality Center (formerly in Oxford, MI) and later served on the Board of Trustees of the Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth in Ann Arbor. She is the co-founder of the Meetup group Intuitives Interactive, the founder and co-director of the Enlightened Soul Expo, and co-founder and director of the Enlightened Soul Center in Ann Arbor.

In 2015, Amy began teaching Intuition Development classes privately, as well as for the Adult Continuing Education Program in the Rec & Ed Department of Ann Arbor Public Schools. She has written articles about intuition for the Crazy Wisdom Journal and Body Mind Spirit Guide.
Featured on a 2013 Ann Arbor episode of HGTV’s “Househunters,” Amy perfectly described the house that would be purchased. She has had a private reading practice since 2000 (Metafizzy LLC), and has served as a reader at the Crazy Wisdom Bookstore & Tea Room in Ann Arbor, as well as at numerous fairs and festivals around Michigan. Amy has also been an invited speaker at the Center of Enlightenment in Royal Oak, MI and at Corinthians Spiritual Center in Jackson, MI.

Contact Amy at: metafizzy@gmail.com, 734-358-0218


March 17, 2023
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM


Enlightened Soul Center & Shop
2711 Carpenter Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 us