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Esoteric Tarot for Beginners – Drop-in study group with Nick O’Donnell

September 29, 2023 @ 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

**Esoteric Tarot for Advanced Practitioners – Drop-in study group with Nick O’Donnell**

Fridays 7-8:30 pm
at Enlightened Soul Center, 2711 Carpenter Rd. Ann Arbor

By Donation, suggested donation 15$

Have you ever wanted to begin your journey into understanding the symbolism behind the Tarot? Do you not know where to take your first step in looking at the cards? This class will feature the bare bones and basics of tarot symbolism to get you reading the cards immediately. Every class will explore the basics of 4 cards per session, giving students an introduction to what the tarot has to offer. The class will talk about the “characters” in the tarot such as the Major Arcana and the Court Cards and how their suits affect their energies in readings. This class will be tailored to the novice and those who wish to dip their toes in the esoteric art form of the tarot. The class will explore purely symbolism used for divination and meditation, and how cards connect with each other.

The tarot has been around for hundreds of years and no one is quite sure where it actually came from. The evolution of the cards and system of arcane images has left people perplexed as well as in awe for centuries and only recently has been popularized for its purposes of divination. Decoding its imagery is an art form and takes time and dedication, as all skills. This class will teach students some of the basic symbols and terminology that all students of the tarot need to be able to succeed in breaking down the esoteric intricacies held within the images. Via the means of learning how to do divination and also using meditation to explore the meanings and connections between each card, students will feel confident to share their knowledge with friends and loved ones, creating an exciting experience for them to learn.

Every session will be an hour of learning(as an hour is not too much learning to overstimulate individuals) and a half hour of divination or meditation as the class sees fit. When using the images of the tarot for divination or meditation we are putting our knowledge and skills to the test, challenging our intellects and intuition to guide us in the realms of spirit.

This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the basics. We will only be exploring the images of the cards, there will not be any astrology, numerology, theory, kabbalah, or any type of advanced esoteric information presented so that the students do not get over-saturated with knowledge and feel discouraged. Once a student completes 10 sessions in the introductory course, they will be eligible (with approval) to attend the long-standing Sunday Night Tarot and join their fellow advanced practitioners in a truly intellectually stimulating, community-based spiritual experience.

**About Nick O’Donnell**
Nick uses a unique set of skills melding mindfulness meditation, esoteric studies, and the intuitive arts into a comprehensive spiritual system that anyone can understand and learn. He believes that mindfulness meditation is foundational work for spiritual studies. Through immersing himself in mindfulness meditation and the Tarot, Nick has also developed a one-of-a-kind Tarot Meditation program exploring the deepest meanings of the tarot on a personal level.

Nicholas ODonnell


September 29, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


Enlightened Soul Center & Shop
2711 Carpenter Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 United States