**How To Use A Pendulum To Create Your Best Life**
Enlightened Soul Center, 2711 Carpenter Rd. Ann Arbor
Investment $60 before May 12th click here to sign up [https://www.enlightenedsoulcenter.com/how-to-use-a-pendulum](https://www.enlightenedsoulcenter.com/how-to-use-a-pendulum)
***$50 EACH if you BRING A FRIEND to the class and register. (plz email the host at Phoenix@threebutterflies.org if you want the special pricing)
After May 12th the workshop is $70 [https://square.link/u/KJxuDQVZ?src=sheet](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsquare.link%2Fu%2FKJxuDQVZ%3Fsrc%3Dsheet%26fbclid%3DIwAR04dQ_sBucktGj1Fw1t4AjMMkeJBLExXmHrQPawOfiNFSDwJp0KUBFiLQ4&h=AT2zn5YQzopGWLtVv1UL1EqmImh8C2c12nv9e2xlT9v26etLJzu0usWGucSyDm6gct_UJl-JyMFrQ6DLFLUbKpQBDspvA18Gv3qNM2ccE5SJ0rLY3DvZIXthH9ct-zinzA&__tn__=q&c%5B0%5D=AT3gjF72UJz_9604UYpe5ROhBYDUcbO8eiAqs90Mg0lRVMh53eco-uDTMlYgu3MZ7aQmKVxLjh4CYkj8sLEYy8pTTX7PKiTeaXKSSXue3L7aVxyhSKzXZZEQRajlG1D5-juszxs8HTjyl8Ddtcck-UiAPjNU)
**You will learn and expand your knowledge on:**
-Basic Intuitive Principles
-Alignment with your own Spirit Team
-Calibration of pendulum & instructions how to use it
-What questions to ask and how to ask them
-Inaccuracies, and how to remedy those
-How to use it to clarify where you need healing in your body
-Crash course on muscle testing (to compare to the pendulum)
– Bonus:Second group gathering over Zoom one week after class to explore any questions and/or practice & have fun/reconnection time.
**About Phoenix Angelica-Rose:**
Author & Hypnotherapist, Phoenix Duffy, has been an intuitive healer, teacher and reader for over 25 years. She is the co-author of a book called The Grass Is Always Greenest Under Her Own Feet available online and locally in Ann Arbor at Schuler Books and Argus Farm Stop. Her company, Three Butterflies (formerly The Connecting Bridge), has been teaching Pendulum Workshops since 2005. Three Butterflies offers a process to access your Akashic Records through SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy) to help transform your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical blocks. Some of the benefits you can experience is dissolving of your negative beliefs, contracts, vows, traumatic past lives, curses, and releasing of unhealthy cords. Using The Energy Codes breathwork, Phoenix, along with your chosen Angel Team and High-Self Team, helps you to ground in your body temple so you can create vision, passion, robust health, prosperity, and alignment with your life’s purpose.