**Mediumship Group Reading**
**with Jani**
Enlightened Soul Center
2711 Carpenter Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
**About the Mediumship Group Reading**
Jani understands the pain of losing a loved one. Join her for a connection to Great Spirit and our loved ones for a night sure to support your journey, and help you know that life continues after death and that we are seen.
Seating is limited, and payment via Venmo holds your spot. Please check this post or email me at [mediumjani.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmediumjani.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1IEQ1H5T85oqw98e7NMo8CF1ysdcn7GbnAd6QWvFkfWZCzW8zvClDq1yI&h=AT37mFC-9vqpcb5hPMTacrqhkEIC8unNZDhqwKBXSEQBRZQeoMikVWAvmb-v5oz8l03iiKEKX-owcW7qaTwBzBvUF4FyS-ylsnZ1IhMm72zEsd5FuGfIayPxcW7rmoslAw&__tn__=q&c%5B0%5D=AT2b4UJOGdoz9ORkq2uvm1ek9URwfVDvDXDDF8EHqIK2cIqV-pmBICa9LfUHWuZSqv_pdnHWORiStceHMvdLivzmlJ1WSgcdrfxizyG2mxtaMsmyq66qQQT0gY_Hd1V6PE6CyFVDNuiG5N2BNVGiwjk73MD1) to ensure spaces are available.
Attendance does not guarantee a reading, but all will benefit from the messages shared.
Disclaimer: By scheduling an appointment or attending a group session with Jani, you agree and understand Jani is not a Medical Expert or Attorney and cannot give legal advice or a medical diagnosis. Jani will not be held responsible for any action or decisions you make pertaining to your life using your free will. Services are not to be used in place of any professional, medical, financial, or legal counseling. Jani is not responsible for any decisions you make as a result of a service with her. Your consultation is subject to your own personal interpretation.
**About Spiritual Medium Jani**
Jani has been a practicing medium for over 13 years. Prior to that, she worked most of her life to deny Spirit and the messages she was receiving. Upon the tragic death of her older brother, everything changed. She began a journey full of inspiration and challenges, all steeped in synchronicities.
To be a part of a group reading with Jani is an experience that will uplift you. Jani brings a holistic approach to her work. She is known for her compassionate energizing demeanor, her precision, and her commitment to helping her clients find clarity, peace, and personal transformation.
Jani’s life mission is to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms, bringing solace to those grieving, offering insights into life’s mysteries, and nurturing a deeper connection with the unseen world. Her integrity, warmth, humor, and extraordinary abilities have earned her the respect and admiration of clients across North America.
**Learn more:**
Website: [https://janimedium.com/](https://janimedium.com/?fbclid=IwAR2Y3VOh09bWp9HGRPl40O18w2-v07-LZfpkyfciWiCgQOYpGpE3u2XP9Mw)
YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/user/janicooke](https://www.youtube.com/user/janicooke?fbclid=IwAR0qGG5psyz8E0boKvIS-t2ShNf47dYI7snAj9dwAyxiqymh3hi3K4TkM5I)
**Other upcoming events with Jani:**
July 30th 12-2 pm Dream workgroup at Enlightened Soul Center
More info [https://www.facebook.com/events/991506641874483](https://www.facebook.com/events/991506641874483/?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXPAEE45zvNjUSWPUxfjvQPdz2xZarnfhlj99Pc0TxokaMlEtPwYlZR5oph6ocoZdfC3giEc8dmN1OwSDXQUfSniJ2DdinsMMl6LvSPsSjl-uAkbEgPq3W3hOE6-cKgkIQ&__tn__=q)