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Ordination in the Order of Melchizedek in with Rev. Daniel Chesbro

June 29 @ 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Become a minister in the Order of Melchizedek at this Ordination Ceremony with Rev. Daniel Chesbro of the Sanctuary of the Beloved Church in Conesus, NY. As an ordained priest, you will be able to perform legal weddings, baptisms, funerals/ memorials, sacred rituals, and ceremonies. Those who do healing work, energy work, body work, or intuitive readings/counseling may wish to become ordained, as a form of legitimacy and protection and as a statement of their spiritual path.

NOTE: This does not cancel out any other religious affiliation you may have. This is a compliment to your spiritual path that carries no obligations.

Includes certificate, workshop, and energy transfer during ordination ceremony (LIKE AN ATTUNEMENT!)

Sorry, no refunds unless the event is cancelled.

For previously ordained Melchizedek priests to attend: $60
Register here: [https://www.enlightenedsoulcenter.com/ordination-ceremony](https://www.enlightenedsoulcenter.com/ordination-ceremony?fbclid=IwAR2EyVulMxxm-QAVFQc7T4PpTduacnP57gDn-3xbtbyNSNRprqEQq4D_lKo_aem_AcVNhLiCgqQnTtzRXvmk4DL5jBb9a2X1pY1TyfiwzsqX2ZSB5uTwYSQ2naXxwgvnwo51XGs017RSTy1XhbZ8Ijt1)

QUESTIONS: Call or text Amy at (734) 358-0218 or email amy@enlightenedsoulcenter.com


**The Order**
The Order of Melchizedek is a priesthood of individuals committed to teach and/or heal the Human Condition as it emerges into the Age of Aquarius. The order has come into physical form now because of the Earth transformation that is taking place. It last came into being in preparation for the coming of Christ.

This is not the only Melchizedek Order that has emerged; several groups have simultaneously begun, totally independent and many times unaware of each others’ existence. This Order does not say that their way is the only way. There are many paths to God, but the basis of all true spiritual work is Love, Unconditional Love, and we all come from that Source.

The Order of Melchizedek does not discriminate; thus, everyone is welcomed. The Order is not a religion, but a service order. Each Priest is legally ordained under the “Sanctuary of the Beloved,” an incorporated, non-denominational church in New York State and in the United States.
Priests are not required to “give up” anything they believe in or to resign from any other organizations. There is no doctrine they must follow. There is no dogma, no hierarchy. (And no vows of celibacy or poverty!)

**The Event**
During the four-hour event, you will learn a history of the priesthood, as well as the Melchizedek energies and incarnations. Also, Rev. Chesbro will speak on the legal ramifications in becoming a priest allowed to perform weddings, baptisms, sacred rituals, and ceremonies.
Upon ordination, you receive an “energy boost” to enhance the work that you are already doing. It is a brief and sacred ceremony with universal, yet also individual, impact. Rev. Dan incorporates silver & water into the annointing, to include the feminine energies, and gold & oil to bring in the masculine. Some have captured an intense White Light on digital cameras during the proceedings (see photos this page).

**ABOUT Rev. Chesbro**
Rev. Daniel Chesbro became a seminary-trained American Baptist Minister after college. He was guided to start the Order of Melchizedek in 1986. His work has taken him all over the U.S., as well as to Canada, Europe, India, Tibet, and Egypt.

Rev. Chesbro is the author or co-author of four books: The Order of Melchizedek: Love, Willing Service, & Fulfillment; The Gospel of Thomas: A Spiritual Interpretation for the Aquarian Age; What Tom Sawyer Learned from Dying; and Tom Sawyer: A Modern-Day Messenger from God: His Extraordinary Life and Near-Death Experiences, published June 2022.

For more information, visit: [https://www.danielchesbro.com/](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.danielchesbro.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0K_UrgNO-AZ1vMB4Gq_Wz3HJU1KO4AmHsxNY07qkJfGyDLaXFk_UFMxFw_aem_AcWvuxSLEJDd12aGDYZ15hHeO44xLmwk5J7lhnXA3TI7ZjBvo9duytzZFFuKWp_Yq7o627UibodnWcYYLQmArp9x&h=AT3oHPABAjUWbnW8UI_GD1_l8F5AdClSQOT0jmg1e4G_6ORdIpDUwisnp0zK-ie7v0cHhqnGHoSneHl78WCQak2LbTCaLgG-Ljzcg45vnwKwgST14RxdB_Dh4_S9i9ZnYQ&__tn__=q&c%5B0%5D=AT3XB4YkcUR4d4JGZ2FDK7abXmDs61Z_p3Wruh3mO_c2yEK7glqUWDEhY0BgTJjxQg2NjlKc414yftAKwNpabKY-udmdVeVV7R3LrM94J3LK5tVXBNfRYSH9Uq-qU5HxfHE3RQn52EkTcCnZhacEniGBEGYG)


June 29
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Enlightened Soul Center & Shop
2711 Carpenter Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 United States