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Spiritual Protection with Constance Hart, Modern Shaman

September 22, 2023 @ 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Receive an aura/chakra clearing as part of the event!

This talk will include examples of situations that can attract negative entities and worse, with guidance on how to avoid. Several clearing and protection techniques will also be given. Constance will lead a guided meditation to clear attendees’ chakras and auras of any negative energies that may be present.

Connie says, “It’s all about energy. My engineering background has helped me in my naturopathic work and energy work because of understanding some basic physics principles about energy. There are energetic patterns and frequencies for each object, physical symptom, emotion, and thought. They can be tuned into and cancelled out through a variety of methods, such as Bach Flower Remedies or homeopathic medicines in our bodies, and through energy techniques for your living or work space.”

Friday, September 22, 2023

7:00–9:00 pm

Cost: $35 in advance or $40 at the door

Venmo: @ConnieHart14 or follow the link


Questions: Constance, 248-982-7859 or constancejoyhart@gmail.com

**About Constance Joy Hart**

Constance has been clearing houses and people for over 10 years as a Soul Coach, which is essentially a modern-day Shaman. She has been a Shaman in many lifetimes and taps into those memories as she works with 5th- and 7th-dimensional energies to remove thought forms, entities, and any other negative spirits and energies. Through this work, she has learned about spiritual protection techniques which have aided her as she encountered numerous situations.

Constance offers healing for the body, mind, and spirit as an Advanced Soul Coach® and Past Life Coach®. She also has certifications in Naturopathy, Energy Healing, Past-Life Regressions, and Space Clearing.

Learn more about her at: [www.constancejoyhart.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.constancejoyhart.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3nJ4xj-vqi_uzu2XL5YVLDCoH5whkKKIiR6_cfd5uRDLjUkRE3yNBtBh0&h=AT1aOjOdqAVdgUT_AMb6vEWxMvRSMfXbij1QB7R-CupgXO9020OJExnG825pQyGzU5ji8SqplWR1aTIHYy6KWYlmWu0rfcgFB7sKp1XE_iMS7R32yuKnX_ioBdrfux4R3w&__tn__=q&c%5B0%5D=AT3dsJ0_kQiObRRL2rPALqfa9jemJeNl0BHOpyOqg7U0jzBxyU6pKnps9US7ojhIhgTlTDaLXeA6_Vh9hVEyB47_LIfbaD3oP5DTHM36OQI8R40RpWxmwu9S-atXvURobRoxk-R2scxURVdUgxKjZNxS48wv)


September 22, 2023
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Enlightened Soul Center & Shop
2711 Carpenter Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 United States