Your Divine Nucleus


By John Ashbrook

At the center of every human being’s soul is a divine nucleus of powerful, ever-glowing, pure energy. This eternal fire of exploding energy is a bubbling mass of life force. The ongoing process of tiny but potent detonations expands this energy mass and casts off sparks of the very same life energy.

This is the essence of manifest creation, and when it is not blocked by distortion and fear, an infinite stream of divine expression bursts forth, overflowing with joy, inner peace, and perfect harmony. This is divine expansion, constant orderly growth, and unfoldment. This divine nucleus not only contains life energy, it is also permeated with the highest, most profound level of pure consciousness.

Every precious spark of energy that is released from the mass is, in itself, a nucleus of consciousness with the potential for eternal expression. This marriage of living energy and pure consciousness contains all possibilities—endless, diverse expression with no beginning and no end. Each individual divine spark contains the whole—all that is or ever will be.

Connecting With Your Divine Nucleus

  1. Believe that within you, there is a deep center of knowledge, feeling, intelligence, power, and constant presence. Become quiet, calm, and receptive—still the busy, loud mind. Focus lightly, without impatient forcing, on this divine nucleus. Cultivate your ability to become inwardly relaxed and trusting. Observe your inner rushing, driving, anxiousness. See it, feel it, and then you can stop it. At first, this may be a pain, but you are learning the exalted art of tuning in. Persevere, give it your full focus, your positive will, and best effort. In time, the channel must and will open.
  2. As you feel the connection to your innermost center being established, speak into yourself and ask it to help you maintain communication. Ask for its guidance in overcoming specific problems in your life. State the issues to be overcome precisely and let go. Go about your daily business. The answers will come.

There is an inner eye with which you will see, an inner ear that you will begin to hear with, and an inner power of perception that you will feel, utilize, and understand. These faculties will awaken slowly but surely. You will begin to recognize the trickery of your negative ego and the doubting that it produces. As you listen to the positive knowing within, you will open your heart of hearts and experience the true power of your oneness with all that is.

“It” sees the light of truth and love and shows it to you. “It” thinks in you, guides you. “It” may write through you. “It” will show you so many new ways of knowing, seeing, hearing, and experiencing your life. All of this will come from the deep nucleus within, the home of your higher self and the very essence of divine existence.


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