Getting Along with Mother Nature Outdoors


Getting Along with Mother Nature Outdoors

Are you scrambling to get outside before your inevitable winter hibernation? Before venturing into the great outdoors to play with Mother Nature, you should know some ground rules. My office is frequently filled with those who offend Mother Nature in the summertime — so I’ve put together these guidelines so you don’t become one of them!

Respect the sun. Don’t be afraid of being in the sun. Sunshine provides many incredible benefits. Rather than avoiding the sun, learn how to stay safe — and remember that you’re playing with a really big ball of fire! This means that you must pay attention to how much time is right for you, which usually depends upon your skin type and nutrition. Just keep in mind that the sun’s rays are intense at this time of the year so it’s easy to overdo and get burned.

Be sure to obtain the proper amount of essential free fatty acids through diet and supplements to deposit calcium into the skin from the bloodstream for protection from the sun. However, if you have fair skin or have a history of skin cancer, you may need to use protective clothing and/or safe sunscreens.

Choose your sunscreen wisely. Some sunscreens have potentially dangerous side effects, including ingredients known to cause cancer. Check out the sunscreen research done by the Environmental Working Group ( ) to find the safest sunscreens to use.

Hydrate properly. Be prepared for summertime activities by taking water with you. To calculate the amount of water you need every day, take your body weight and divide it in half. This figure is how many ounces of water you should plan to drink every day. If you’re active, plan to increase this amount. Spring water and reverse osmosis water are best, and add a pinch of Celtic sea salt to provide the essential minerals in the proper ratio to help hydrate.

Many people turn to sports drinks and/or soda pop when they get thirsty. The problem is that most of these drinks are filled with chemicals, artificial flavors, and colors. Although most of the chemicals found in these drinks are dangerous, aspartame is probably the most toxic because of the way it is metabolized in humans. According to toxicology expert Dr. Woody Monte, the damage caused by aspartame to proteins and DNA contributes to many serious diseases and chronic diseases including cancer, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and MS.

Don’t tempt the bugs. The unusual activity of the sun during the last several years along with the summer heat has resulted in more vegetation and an increase in certain bugs. Bugs, like ticks and mosquitoes, live by natural rules, and the rule of nature is to take out the most vulnerable. Stay healthy and you will be less likely to become a meal for the bugs!

Leave artificial fragrances at home. Perfume, aftershave, cologne, and hormone-laden body wash will attract critters. Smell clean instead! Use pungent oils such as oregano, thyme and clove before going out in the woods. These oils travel through your blood and into your pores, making you less tempting for bugs. By the way, these oils are also helpful in combating Candida. For convenience, they may be taken in capsule form — and are available at my office.

Another way to dissuade mosquitoes and other biting bugs is to apply coconut oil on your skin. The oil gets on their bodies and breathing apparatus and they can’t function well. However, if you do find a tick on you, try not to panic. If you try to pull it free, the bug’s head may be left buried in your skin, and you’ve just squeezed the offensive body contents into yourself. Instead, take liquid hand soap and cover the offender with it. The soap will start to suffocate the bug and break down its breathing apparatus which is located in its abdomen or rear-most parts. It is said that ticks must be on you about 24 hours before the bad bacteria of Lyme disease will get in your system. To stay safe, be sure to check yourself, your friends and your pets after each venture into Mother Nature’s wonders.

Here are a few natural first aid treatments for bites: apple cider vinegar or baking soda for insect bites, lemon juice or cider vinegar for a wasp sting, raw onion on animal bites or stings, and salt applied for a rattlesnake bite will buy you time on your way to the doctor. Be sure to wash all bites thoroughly with soap and water. With some bites, much of the harm comes from the bacteria injected rather than the venom itself.

Heed warning signs of plants. Poison ivy is everywhere this year. Look for the typical 3-leaf arrangement along with root hairs along its stem which some varieties use to climb up most anything. The oil in the sap is the danger. If you do come into contact with poisonous plants such as poison oak or sumac, use a drying soap like Fels-Naptha to wash the oil off ASAP. Oftentimes you won’t have a problem if you wash your skin and your clothes as soon as possible. If you do get a dreaded reaction, an old standby is calamine lotion. Keep the oozing away from others and off things that others might unknowingly touch.

Homeopathic remedies that are often helpful include Rhus toxicodendron for poison ivy and Anacardium for poison oak. Those who have extreme reactions or have it in the worst possible places need to seek medical attention. Even if you’re generally nonreactive, treat possible exposure with respect just in case.

Seize the chance to enjoy Mother Nature while you have the opportunity! And join us at our workshop to learn more.…

Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 30 years of experience helping people to improve their health! Join Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. on Thursday, August 6 at 7 pm for our FREE monthly workshop, Getting Along with Mother Nature Outdoors. Please register for this workshop by calling 734-425-8220. For more information, see


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