Find the Authentic You Via Creativity


“Doors are for people with no imagination” ― Derek Landy

With the power of your imagination anything is possible! And more potent, with creativity powered by the imagination, the possibilities are endless!

Everyone, including you, (Yes, especially you!) has the power of creativity, if you so choose to use it. Doors will open for you, in fact, I’ll go so far as to say,
whole new worlds open up to you when you use your power of creativity. When you choose a creative point of view, you come from a position of power, for you have no limitations to hold you down — and infinite possibilities become available.

The best part about creativity is, it doesn’t discriminate. It’s available to all who choose to use it, including you!

Living with the aftermath of abuse and life-long disabilities, my creativity has been one of my biggest inspirations (along with metaphysics) and my personal salvation. It can be for you too.

Creative ways to find your authentic, creative you:

· Explore your talents, loves and interests. Find out what you’re good at and indulge!
· Look for local classes for a craft you’d love to learn. Michael’s arts and crafts is a great place to start
· Check out The BBAC, Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center
· Paint a painting of something you love
· Craft something awesome and sell it on Esty
· Write a blog
· Write a poem or a short story
· Explore and write some fanfiction
· Sing a song — why not even try karaoke!
· Audition for a play
· Redecorate your home
· Take up photography
· Film a video
· Find groups and communities to share your creativity and the things you love
· Try
· Most of all, have fun. Love what you do!

Next month: A creative color power therapy poem for you.

Abby Lippitt is an Intuitive, TransFormational Artist, utilizing both art and metaphysics. Her Art Education includes: Rhode Island School of Design & The University of the Arts, BFA in Fine Arts, and Minor in Film/Animation. Abby’s artwork is currently in, The Healing Power of the Arts,
Call her at: 248-655-0464 or visit:


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