Follow the Sun to Health


As the winter winds blow and the cold settles in at last, it’s time to turn inward, time to pause and reflect. This is the beautiful opportunity of the northern winter season. But at the same time, the challenge to stay balanced and healthy, in body, mind, and spirit, is daunting in this harsh season.

As winter wears on, many of us feel the pain of our separation from the sun, the fresh air warmth, and the living greenery of thriving plants and flowers. We may convince ourselves it is natural and good to move through all the cycles of nature, and we appreciate the changing of the seasons and the many cloaks of nature. But we have a name for the dis-ease that many experience in the northern winter season: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I now believe this is simply a natural response to a climate condition that is unnatural for humans.

Fourteen years ago, I made a discovery that made all the difference and helped me reclaim my health and vitality. I embarked on a raw fruitarian diet (which I still adhere to today). In addition to watching my health come back stronger than ever, another thing happened: healing my body with sun-kissed fruit really drew me to the nourishing quality of the sun, and I began making an annual winter migration to the south.

In Florida and Costa Rica my bare feet could soak up the earth’s energy, my bare skin could be caressed by the comfortable breeze and the warm sun, and my body could receive the fresh nutrition of just-picked ripe local fruit. It felt like coming home, and my natural joy and vitality would return quickly. I wanted to share this health-giving wintertime heaven with other northerners! This dream came true five years ago when I brought somewhere similar to this property in Playas del Coco Costa Rica and created a health retreat on a very special farm in Costa Rica. This retreat has filled every year since.

My intention is to immerse participants in a perfect environment to inspire health, happiness, and revitalization. I chose an accessible location with stunning natural beauty and warm sunshine every day. It is in the mountains just inland from the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Our retreat includes daily yoga and qi gong, a naturally cleansing raw vegan menu, jungle hikes, and adventures to epic waterfalls and beaches, group life coaching, meditation, rest and journaling, dancing, fire circles….all in a healing and supportive community.

I would love to support you in claiming health and vitality this winter. To view pictures of the retreat center and accommodations, pricing, and descriptions, please visit my website: You can also email me: at, or call: 734-645-3217


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