Live Life as an Empowered Soul


Live Life as an Empowered Soul

By Marybeth Rombach Nelson

Know that you are capable of everything you set your mind to! You are an empowered soul. We all have days when we doubt ourselves and think we can’t accomplish our goals; allow yourself to view the whole picture of what you want to do. Make a list of action steps toward your goals; accomplishing small goals daily toward your big goal will empower you to go for it. As you check things off your list of things to do, pat yourself on the back and feel good about what you have accomplished.

Slow down and listen to your soul in those quiet moments that you give yourself to reflect upon what you want out of life and where you are going. Take action on the little nudges your soul gives you, guiding you on life decisions–knowing and believing that you truly are capable of anything you set your mind to. The more you trust your intuition and inner guidance, the more you embrace your life as the empowered soul that you truly are.


I listen to my inner guidance.

I am capable of all of my goals.

I allow my soul to guide me daily.

I embrace my internal power and wisdom.

I am an empowered soul.

I believe, I receive and I’m so very grateful.

– Marybeth


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