UP TO THE MIC: New Show! Integrity In Action


I have the great pleasure of welcoming a brand-new host to Body Mind Spirit Radio! Lois Shulman brings her talent, positive energy and experiences to her show, Integrity in Action which airs live every third Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. EST. Her next show airs live on February 15.

Lois brings her background as an empowerment coach, facilitator and public/motivational speaker, utilized and shared through her business, Integrity in Action, LLC. Her background includes a multitude of talents and experiences including Education, Case Management, Marketing, Health and Law fields, Community Service and much more!

Her mission: “To empower others to develop the ability to recognize and embrace their strengths, learn the practice of forgiveness and feel content. Ultimately, to live fully empowered to give more to the world, and to bring her passion for innovative and quality care to the people she serves.”

On her show, she will interview with sensitivity, unconditional love and without judgment, individuals who have chosen to exemplify the highest levels of ethical principles, sound moral character, and honesty. Each month a featured guest will share their story. “These interviews will give listeners an opportunity to feel the passion and emotion of the person being interviewed, as well as, inspire listeners to entertain a new perspective from which to expand their own understanding,” says Lois. “When this occurs, we move beyond the limitations of our current thinking to heal and become more aware, awake, and expansive.”

On her first show in January she had the wonderful opportunity to welcome Doris to the show, where they discussed forgiveness and in the words of Lois, “I chose Doris to interview first and to interview her in the first month of 2017 because it was her words oh so many years ago, that first ignited a spark that lit the flame that empowered me to go forward to discover the possibility of a life full of peace and contentment inside of myself. The flame warms me to this day. The flame may flicker but it will never burn out. Doris gifted me that day with her message of forgiveness.”

Lois is available for Empowerment Coaching, Mediation, classes and more! Please visit her website: www.integrityinactionllc.com for more information on Integrity in Action and all she has to offer. “An Empowerment Coach gives one the opportunity to realize and embrace their strengths while growing their confidence,” she says. Venture to: www.bodymindspiritradio.com to listen to her shows in archive and to learn more about her.

If you would like to promote your business, expertise, products, or services via radio by being interviewed or by hosting your own personal show, please feel free to email your request to radio@bodymindspiritguide.com

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Abby Lippit
Abby Lippitt, Is an extremely talented, gifted & intuituve artist with a vibrant, vivacious, “Abvacious”, unique style all her own. Abby has been practicing and studying art & metaphysics since she was a child. Inspired by animation and driven with the desire to express her love of the sadly underrated art medium in all its forms. It is her sincere wish that the rest of the world come to appreciate the sophistication & beauty held within the heart of the animation genre as she does. https://www.abvaciousvibe.com/home-1.html


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