110 Gallons of Water + 95˚F + 1000lbs. of Epsom Salt = Relief
Hydrotherapy, also known as flotation therapy or more scientifically “sensory deprivation therapy,” offers many positive benefits for the user including pain management, stress relief, mental health & awareness, improved athletic performance and much much more! Supported by more than 50-years of clinical research, as well as personal evidence, hydrotherapy is the fastest growing holistic approach.

More than 325 enzymes in our bodies require magnesium to properly function. Magnesium stimulates nerve and muscle function, limits inflammation, and improves oxygenation and blood flow through the body. The 110 gallon 95˚F units are filled with 1000lbs of Magnesium-Sulphate, Epsom Salt. As you lay buoyant the pressure is taken off of your joints and muscles so your body can heal itself naturally.

Floating & Stress-Related Pain
Many of us may perceive stress as a psychological state—interchangeable with worry, perhaps. But stress is more complex than simply being concerned about something going on in your life. Stress is also a physical experience, with direct ramifications in the body…usually painful ones.

When we’re stressed, our muscles tense. It’s simply a fact—on a biological level, we have evolved to experience stress as a response to a threat to our safety. When our brains receive these stress signals, they prepare our bodies for fight or flight by producing higher levels of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Those hormones set off a chain of responses, like tensing our muscles and quickening our heart rate. But when the cause of our stress isn’t something we have to outrun or battle (which is usually the case in modern times), and that stress doesn’t dissipate quickly, we’re left with tense, achy muscles and discomfort.

That’s where floating comes in. Physically, floating provides relief. Those achy muscles and tense joints can experience true relaxation in a float tank, enjoying zero pressure as you float effortlessly in highly concentrated salt water.

From a mental and emotional perspective, it’s been demonstrated time and again that floating relieves stress itself. Your mind can find a sense of peace and calm, and that effect lasts long after you’ve climbed out of the tank. That’s why scientific research has found that flotation REST can lead to a significant decrease in stress-related pain: mind and body are treated at once and can find both immediate physical relief and more long-lasting mental and emotional release.

Floating for Muscle Tension
Floating seems to be tailor-made for relieving pain from muscle tension! Thanks to the buoyancy of the Epsom salt solution used, individuals who suffer from tense muscles can find true relief in the float tank.

Floating & Chronic Pain
Chronic pain disorders are notoriously difficult to treat because their causes can be impossible to pinpoint. However, promising research—including the Fibromyalgia Float Project— is beginning to clearly demonstrate that floating can provide immense relief to fibromyalgia sufferers. Other chronic pain conditions, such as endometriosis and chronic fatigue syndrome, haven’t been studied as intently. However, floatation therapy’s many benefits—muscle tension relief, stress reduction, and improved sleep—correspond directly with many of the symptoms associated with many of these disorders.

Floating for Headaches
Migraine headaches and chronic headaches can interfere with a happy, healthy life…but research shows that floating can provide relief! In one study comparing different forms of treating chronic tension headaches, a combination of floatation REST and muscle relaxation techniques showed significantly higher levels of improvement than other treatments. Migraine sufferers specifically may benefit due to the potential for magnesium absorption in the float tank—the water is very high in magnesium thanks to its concentration of Epsom salt, and some research suggests magnesium is an essential treatment for migraine headaches.

Floating for Arthritis
Arthritic pain is often associated with the joints and can be a huge barrier to enjoying many of life’s daily activities. While floating isn’t a cure for arthritis, it has been shown to reduce the intensity of pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Thanks to its weightless environment, floating can relieve pressure and tension on the joints, and provide immediate physical relief to arthritis sufferers.


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