A little candle factory beats the odds. Celebrating 25 years of love, light and laughter.


A little candle factory beats the odds. Celebrating 25 years of love, light and laughter.

Conscious living is the new age. Over 25 years ago thousands, no, millions of people all around the world collectively woke up one day and said to themselves, there must be more to life than this. Thus the New Age began and the market was flooded with products that soothe the soul. Today the market calls itself conscious living. It’s a billion-dollar industry and it doesn’t seem to want to go away or go out of style. It literally keeps reinventing itself and absorbing more and more aspects of everyday life.

Coventry Creations has been there every step of the way and is coining this the “Now Age” and the time of Modern Magic. Twenty-five years of teaching people how to create their own reality by using their products have made this company a leader in the industry. Their own customers have legitimized the Coventry brand by helping them grow to a million-dollar company by purchasing well over 2.5 million candles over the past 25 years.

Who would have thought a magically inclined candle company could have made such an impact on our world? Yes, world! Coventry Creations is an international company and it is resilient too. This little candle company made it through challenges from 2 economic downturns to a tsunami. The founders and owners, Jacki Smith and Patty Shaw did this by putting tenacity at the top of their list of core values, and by using their own products.

To mark this auspicious time, the owners are launching a yearlong celebration on August 1, 2017, and will keep the party going until August 2018. What the world can expect from Coventry is a lot of virtual party activities with webinars, live videos, guest bloggers, Coventry Creations trivia, monthly sales, and we start it all out with one very special candle called the Crossroads Candle, designed by the owner, Jacki Smith. The Crossroads candle represents the core of the Coventry message and is adorned with a Magic Maker Key tied on with a red elastic ribbon. To get in on this virtual party and purchase your Crossroads candle check out their website, www.coventrycreations.com and sign up for their newsletter. You can also mingle with the Coventry magic in person at their store, The Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale. 175 W 9 Mile, Ferndale, MI 48220. 248-547-2987.

Coventry Creations is where magic happens. To become a Coventry Creations magic maker go to www.coventrycreations.com, www.coventycrossroads.com, find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/coventrycreationscandles, www.facebook.com/thecandlewickshoppe


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