By Selene Negrette

Are you grieving due to the loss of a loved one, and feel as if your heart is in a state of permanent winter? Do you sometimes feel frozen and numb; other times as if a blizzard is blowing very hard and you are not going to be able to survive? I want you to know that Spring is offering you right now the opportunity to tap into its energy of surrender to help you heal your heart. Have you stopped to think about why is it that you feel better after taking a walk in the country or hiking a park trail? The reason is that you just have been in the most healing spa there is! Nature has a relaxing influence on us by showing us to just be, to accept what is. There is no resistance in nature. The buds are not resisting the sprouting process, the tree branches are not saying: Oh, No! I don’t want new leaves!

The first thing you can do to help yourself after a loss is to notice how much you might be resist-ing your reality. Once you notice this, you can take steps to come to accept consciously what has happened (this is not easy and it can only happen when you are ready). Spending time in nature you align yourself with its acceptance which can help those who are grieving come to accept that what has happened to them is irreversible. After you do this, you will experience a sense of re-lease. The second thing you can do is to notice what is happening around you on the days when you are feeling at your lowest because, if you have lost a loved one, there’s a great chance that they are leaving a sign for you to let you know that their love for you is still very much alive. If you are not paying attention, you will miss a precious opportunity to connect with your loved one —which can be very healing to your heart. The third thing you can do is to trust in that little voice that lets you know that the sign is from your loved one. Do not doubt yourself because that little voice is your intuition and it’s always right. The next step is Inner Work. As a grieving person, it’s important to realize that not only are you carrying the wound of your loss but you are also carrying all the wounds you’ve experienced since the moment you were born and those wounds have piled up on top of each other to create a great big and heavy carapace that you car-ry wherever you go. Most of the time, you are just doing all you can to survive, so you don’t stop to think about what you went through during your childhood, your adolescence, your young adulthood and because you don’t do that, you have all these blocks that don’t allow you to move forward in life. It is necessary for you to heal those wounds as well as the wound caused by your loss so that you can begin to move forward.

The next step is Intuition. Connecting with your intuition is something that the fact that you lost a loved one can help you do because, whether you realize it or not, those who have passed are always trying to connect with you to let you know that they are ok and that you don’t need to suffer on their account as well as to send you their love. Your loss is an opportunity for you to become more intuitive and the inner work you do to heal the old wounds also help you connect with your intuition. This opens up for you the door to Spirit.

Once you walk through that door, the next step is: Ask the Divine for help. When you do that, you are able to access the guidance and loving messages from God and the Angels and your life will forever change for the better because living from a place of alignment with the Divine means that you are finally able to understand why things happen the way they do, what do you need to do to move forward in life and how you can make that happen.

So, take the first step today by going out in nature so that you can connect with the “acceptance to what is” that it offers and so that you can begin to heal your grieving heart.

Selene Negrette is a Life coach and Certified Angel Intuitive. Learn more about her and her work at: https://selene-negrette.mykajabi.com/; private message her on FB @spiritwhispersselene or call her at 859.797.3919


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