Cleaning the Natural Way


Fresh breezes blowing through open windows are a sure sign of spring! It’s time to wash windows, mop floors, dust furniture and rid our homes of allergens, bacteria and germs that accumulated over the winter.

Numerous natural products can be used that are inexpensive; many that you might already have in your home. They are safe, effective, non-toxic to your skin, eyes, and health, and are safe for our environment. They do not contain carcinogens, hormone disruptors and toxic chemicals found in many commercial products that can contribute to asthma, lung inflammation and a host of autoimmune disorders.
Cleaning the natural way is simple, easy, and another way we can ‘go green’. Combining water, vinegar, lemon and/or baking soda, a recipe used by our ancestors, often get’s the job done. Combinations and uses can be found online.

Did you know that vinegar cuts grease, dissolves mineral deposits, and is reported to kill 99% of bacteria and 82% of mold? Baking soda cleans, deodorizes, and scours.

Adding a few drops of tea tree, lavender, orange, peppermint, and other Essential Oils can increase cleaning power and adds aromatic fragrance!

With a clean rag, a bucket, and a bit of elbow grease, enjoy eco-friendly cleaning and a home that shimmers and shines!


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