Unity of Livonia, Celebrate the Holidays


Unity of Livonia will celebrate Christmas this year with various events throughout the month of December for adults, youth, and families.

The celebration will begin on Sunday, December 22 with a Christmas Service at 10:00 a.m. On Tuesday, December 24, the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will begin at 5:00 p.m. This service is a metaphysical journey to the birth of the Christ within.
Special music and traditional Christmas songs will be performed by Maggie Ferguson.

Unity of Livonia, Celebrate the Holidays

On Sunday, December 29, Unity will offer the annual New Year’s Burning Bowl Service at 10:00 a.m. Start your New Year with a powerful and symbolic Sunday Service – release the limitations, boundaries, and negative thought patterns of the past and clear the way for new beginnings.

All of these events at Unity of Livonia are available on a Love Offering basis (donation). Unity is located at 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 (east of Middlebelt).

About Unity of Livonia:

Unity of Livonia is a loving and inclusive spiritual community that honors the Christ presence in every individual. While we believe there are many pathways to God, we follow this Unity Truth Principle: There is only One Power and One Presence active in the universe and in my life, God, the Good, Omnipotent. Unity of Livonia is a Spiritual Center offering a positive path to spiritual living.

We practice a “positive, practical Christianity” that offers a New Thought upon the life and teachings of Jesus. A world in need of transformation, spirituality, caring, and compassion brings us together from all walks of life. If traditional religion no longer feeds your soul, come home to love, acceptance and diversity. Come home to Unity of Livonia.

We inspire and empower individual transformation through positive prayer, education, and service.

Visit: www.unityoflivonia.org


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