Let’s Give Love A Try (Seriously)


by Jim White

Have you ever heard of a spiritual self-study book called A Course in Miracles? Being readers of the Body, Mind Spirit Guide, the answer for many may be yes. But regardless of your answer, we’re betting that you will listen to our story because you are spiritually open-minded.

Namaste, I’m (Rev) Jim White, and I’m honored to begin this series of conversations with you. It’s a valuable opportunity for me to talk with a diverse yet spiritually receptive audience about my non-profit organization, Love Communications Ministries (LCM). 

To get right to the point, let me share our vision and mission with you as we believe it’s an easy way to begin a discussion of what we’re all about:

Our vision is that of a happier, more peaceful world, substantially brought about through the widespread teaching and application of the Power of Love.

Our mission is to promote initiatives to achieve greater public awareness and understanding of the Power of Love. And how Love’s Power can be used to make our world a happier place.

Our primary vehicle for achieving our vision and mission is communicating the principles of “Practical Spirituality” taught in the spiritual self-study book A Course in Miracles. (ACIM).

While some might think it audacious, we believe we have embarked upon a straightforward yet bold and innovative idea with spiritual strength in both its theory and application. In short, we want to promote the widespread use of Love as a viable way to improve people’s lives and make our world happier.

We believe that Love is not just a powerful spiritual idea but a potentially potent one in our secular world. We contend that evidence of the power of Love has a rock-solid foundation that has been supported in our spiritualities for millennia. We thus view Love as a powerful and legitimate resource to address the problems of our world and that it deserves widespread consideration.

You ask, where does “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM) come in? I’ve been a student and teacher of ACIM for more than 20 years, and suffice it to say that, for me, the positive effects of understanding and applying the principles of Love, as taught in ACIM, have been nothing short of astounding! What’s more, my experience is statistically corroborated by an estimated 3 million ACIM students worldwide.

But with all due respect, it’s not just about ACIM, the book. What Love Communications Ministries wants to utilize are ACIM’s underlying principles. We believe that the teachings of ACIM offer a profound yet practical foundation for the definition and the practice of Love. We also think ACIM’s teachings are based on widely recognized and accepted spiritual ideas allowing it to have wide-ranging acceptability. We, therefore, believe that ACIM’s teachings on Love offer a sufficiently flexible and adaptable underpinning to help us achieve our (audacious) vision and mission. 

What do you think so far? Let us know if we’re getting off to a good start. Whether you’re an ACIM student or teacher, or if you don’t know anything about ACIM or spirituality, we’d like to know your thoughts. Quite frankly, we’re betting that even if you find our ideas preposterous, as crazy as our world is becoming, you might be willing to consider what we have to say and maybe help us give it a shot!

Let’s Give Love a try (seriously)! God knows we’ve tried everything else!

I’ll close for now, but I’m looking forward to next time.

Peace and Love,


Rev. James A. White, Jr

President, Love Communications Ministries, Inc.


Rev. James A. White, Jr. (Jim) is an accomplished speaker, teacher, author, and study group leader of A Course in Miracles (ACIM). He’s been an ardent student of ACIM since 2001. In 2005, Jim founded Love Communications Ministries (formerly Love Communications), an organization devoted to raising spiritual awareness through the study and practice of ACIM. 


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