Two Minds – The Brain and The Gut 


Two Minds – The Brain and The Gut 

By Susan deCaussin

Don’t kid yourself for one moment. We are living in a most transformational time for humanity. It can sometimes be hard to see just how crazy things have become when living in the midst of it. It’s like trying to read the text from a book with your nose pressed up against the page. Clarity begins to step in when we can back away, take in a cleansing breath, and see things in proper perspective. That craziness I referred to is very good at grabbing our attention and making us believe everything is out of our control. In those moments, we begin to buy into the belief that everything we need to feel happy, healthy, safe, and at peace comes from outside of us. That’s a dangerous place to be. With that belief, your life will feel completely out of control, and you’ll eventually move into a victim mentality. Many people these days are dealing with anxiety and depression – feeling overwhelmed and controlled by their circumstances. Although they seek answers, they look for them in the wrong places. 

The brain and the gut (the solar plexus) have important roles in our life experience. The key is to find and maintain a balance between the two of them. 

The brain’s authority over the body is strong enough to get in the way of the subtle intuitive messages that are always there and never steer us wrong. The brain plays an important role in our survival as a species. It helps us navigate situations by formulating outcomes based on past experiences and accumulated knowledge. An experience from our past may tell us that something will be very difficult or impossible to accomplish. Because of this, many people’s decisions can end up being quite limiting. In those scenarios, they can shut themselves down from even considering the unlimited possibilities that truly exist. 

While the body’s survival instinct is good and necessary, when allowed to take the lead in decision-making, it has the ability to close doors to opportunities. This can leave people fearful, lacking in confidence, and feeling insecure. However, when this concept is fully understood, a person can begin to adopt practices that will assist in shifting their attention to the intuitive center for answers and guidance. 

You’re probably wondering how that shift can begin to take place. It starts by adopting silence into your day … every day! Without incorporating quiet time each day, the direction and answers you’re seeking cannot be heard. Notice that I didn’t automatically use the word meditation. I feel like the word and practice of meditation have been misunderstood by many. I choose to replace that word with silence or stillness. Anytime you can shut out the world’s noise and turn your attention inward, you begin to access the unlimited wisdom that will provide the peace, confidence, and security we all seek. When you become practiced at connecting with Source, it’s like having a library card to all of the wisdom that was, is, and ever shall be. Pretty cool, right? Imagine being able to quiet yourself so quickly and entirely that each question you ask is immediately provided an answer. 

Before you shake your head in complete disbelief, I will tell you that this level of awareness really IS achievable, and you don’t need to be a Monk or a Guru to get there. Just like anything else, it takes practice. It all begins by setting aside a few minutes each day to purposely focus your attention away from all external distractions, turn inward, and become nothing more than pure awareness. Take a quiet walk, listen to meditative music, and focus your attention on the breath or the flame of a candle. These are all helpful ways to shift your attention inward. If you have difficulty shutting down the noise around you, Hypnotherapy can reacquaint you with the deep relaxation that can make it happen. I’m happy to help. Reach out if you’d like to learn how Hypnotherapy can bring a higher level of awareness and control into your life.

Susan deCaussin CHt


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