Lost Time…


 By Wendy Powers Nugent

While talking with the other people on the beach that evening, we started to recall some of the experiences during the lost time from the night before. We calculated it was about 3 hours. One woman named Jamie from Ohio said she had some fearful nightmares and felt violated in her dreams, which felt real to her. Most people from that night did not recall even seeing the spear, but they felt that it was odd that they did not remember sitting around the firepit that evening. Jamie and her husband were deeply discussing whether they should go home.  Jamie’s husband won the debate, and they decided to stay for the duration of their vacation. I believe that I may have been the only one who remembered the spear rising up from the lake; others could have remembered but just did not want to talk about it.

We still had several miles to go before arriving at Area 51, so we continued to talk about the possibilities of what may have happened.  So far, my husband has not said anything other than “Interesting.” he was already living with a psychic wife whose profession was reading people’s energy and talking with dead people, so this was not a stretch for him to accept. My daughter also had a vivid dream; as she shared it with us, it seemed she had good feelings from the dream. She said in her dream that she was out on the water but not getting wet; next, she was in a beautiful place with people, or what seemed like people milling about doing tasks and not really paying her much attention. She remembered that in the dream, one of the “beings” approached her and made her comfortable by sending her a telepathic message that she was safe. This, by the way, was the first time that I heard her talk about this dream she had. In fact, she did not recall even seeing the spear rising up out of the lake. I asked her why she had not told me this before. I did not feel you would believe me; besides, it was just a dream. Wasn’t it? I don’t know was the only answer I could honestly share with her. She added that the people looked like small children with large heads and big eyes!! Hummm, well, that is interesting indeed, I said. However, my daughter said she was not afraid of them, and they just had some questions that they were asking. However, she could not recall what they asked her about. Anyway, it was just a dream…

I was still processing the whole experience. I did not have a dream or recall going into their ship, but I had a very weird experience much later after we got home from our girl trip up North. I found myself alone at home one day, having the rare day of my day, and decided to do some deep cleaning in my closet. Suddenly, I had a very unsettled feeling that an alien was nearby, so I went outside on the porch and looked up, thinking maybe they were back. Being a psychic all my life, I do pay attention to my feelings and even though I did not see a ship, there was that nagging feeling that aliens were nearby. I shrugged it off and went into the house to continue cleaning my closet. Stepping into the bedroom, I felt the presence even stronger; I must say that fear washed over me. Then, as I tried to reason with myself that it was nothing, the dark mist of two forms walked through my bedroom wall like a spirit that could walk through a solid wall. Now, I have tuned into many spirits, and this was no human spirit that just entered my room.  They slipped through the wall as a formed dark mist, then became more solid. Now before me stood two “Grays” aliens. They telepathically sent me messages to be calm; they were not there to take me anywhere. They just wanted to check on me. This is why they came to the lake. They have been trying to communicate with me. This was not my first time communicating with these aliens; I had experiences when I was a child, and one other time, when I was in my twenties living in California, I did some remote viewing for a special group.

At this time in my life, I was making a lot of media appearances, attending seminars, and booking readings for up to a year in advance. One day, I was contacted by a man who said he had a government grant to work with psychics on a government project; I was selected because I was a high-profile psychic, and they were following my work. They knew I did remote viewing and wanted me to work with them. It came naturally to me, but I enjoyed teaching others to experience it. However, I turned down the offer because they wanted me to go to an undisclosed facility and would have to leave my family behind. They said it would only be for a few months, but I did not want to leave my family. However, I did work with them a bit and journeyed by remote viewing to other planets and saw other cultivations. They documented my remote viewing travels, but they did ask me to please not share this information. At this time now, being some 40 years later, and even the government is starting to share that UAPs (UFOs) may be visiting us, it is time to share my story.

Part III – To be continued in the August 2024 issue – Conversations with Aliens.                       


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