Dreams Provide Immediate Solutions to Everyday Problems


By Dr. Rev. Nic and Mike Sebastian

Did you know we all have 4 to 6 dreams each night, even if we don’t remember them? The compelling reason is this: Dreams provide us with the answers we seek daily or nightly.

What’s on your mind?

Soul Mates, Health, Finances, Career … It makes no difference. The point is that no matter what dilemma you currently face, your dreams provide you with the perfect solution.

It is rather simple and straightforward. You wonder about something during the day, and that night, when you go to sleep, your dreams give you an answer and a direction for what to do next.

So now what?

1) Remember the Dream

2) Accurate Dream Interpretation

3) Voila … Solution …

Remember Your Dreams:

Do the HU (like hue) HUUUUU 3 times before bed and say to yourself, “Tonight, I will remember my dreams.”

Accurate Dream Interpretation:

Write down the dream

Use the “T-Technique”

Draw a “T”

On the left side, write down the symbols,

On the right side, write down what it means to you – just like a quick Word Association.

Lastly, ask yourself, What’s going on in my life right now?


Take action based on the information you received.

P.S. Always use discernment and common sense. If it doesn’t seem right, relax, and try the technique again the following night for verification.

Here’s the process in action…three actual stories from clients.


What’s going on in your life right now?

Mark was concerned about his health and wondered if he needed to seek medical care and get a prescription or if he could handle it on his own.


Mark went to sleep and had a dream. In the dream, he was using Neosporin on the affected area.


His dream revealed that he needed to use Neosporin and that should knock out the problem; no Rx needed.


What’s going on in your life right now?

Sean was wondering about losing these last 10 pounds. He had been on a clean diet, but he was struggling with these last 10 pounds.


Sean went to sleep and had a dream. In the dream, he was burying a potato sack, then the cops came and put him in handcuffs.


His dream simply revealed that he needed to bury the carbs, they were detaining him from his goal.


What’s going on in your life right now?

Larry was wondering if his partner was genuinely invested in their relationship.  


Larry had a dream. In the dream, he and his partner were driving in a semi-truck. His partner was the driver. The side of the truck logo read “Long-Haul Trucking.”


His dream revealed that, indeed, his partner was in it for the long haul. This allowed him to relax, feel good with the relationship, and plan accordingly.

We all deal with issues daily. Now, it’s always been challenging to get the solution. If we apply Trust Yourself Tools, we will short-cut the problem and get to the heart of the matter much quicker.

Once again, saving us time, adversity and overall grief.


Dr. Rev. Nic and Mike Sebastian

Founders of Divine Guidance Institute





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