Intuitives Interactive Spring Holistic Psychic Fair


Intuitives Interactive Spring Holistic Psychic Fair caters to body, mind, and spirit

Curious seekers and serious students alike can learn about a variety of holistic topics at the Intuitives Interactive Spring Holistic Psychic Fair. There will be eight free presentations to choose from with $10 admission to the fair on Saturday, April 11, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Washtenaw Community College’s Morris Lawrence Building in Ann Arbor.

Free lectures on Flower Essences, Love Astrology, Sound Healing, and Intuitive Awareness will be held concurrently with four sessions of Mediumship Gallery Reading. The goal of the fair is three-fold: education, entertainment, and enlightenment.

“Many people are making the connection that science and medicine have known for years,” says Amy Garber, fair director and founder of Intuitives Interactive. “Our bodies are affected by our emotions and thoughts; we are holistic organisms. The Fair provides resources for body, mind, and spirit.”

Holistic health offerings include Amethyst Crystal Biomat, Reiki, Polarity Therapy, Pranic Breath, Bowenwork, Access Consciousness, Light Therapy, chakra balancing, Crystalline Consciousness Technique, Integrative Breathwork, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, massage, and aura/chakra clearing.

The event also will feature dozens of vendors selling wellness and metaphysical goods, such as essential oils, crystal stones and jewelry, herbal and aromatherapy products, spiritual artwork, candles, incense, pendulums, smudge sets, wands, tuning forks, and toning bowls.

$10 admission includes free presentations; $30 for 20-minute intuitive readings; body/energy work session prices vary. 4800 E. Huron River Drive at US-23 exit 37A-Ypsilanti. For more information, email or visit


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