Preverbal Trauma


By Dianne Arman, LMSW

Anything that negatively impacts the fetus, infant, or young child can cause a primitive defensive reaction. Survival becomes the only goal. The young brain cannot process or understand the event. No words or problem-solving skills exist.

Trauma could result from a difficult birth, the absence of the mother, bonding complications, injury or illness, etc. The infant/child is “short-circuited” and must use primitive means to survive. If the child has all of its needs met following the trauma, normal developmental stages can occur. If the infant/ child continues to have many unmet needs, necessary defenses develop.

Symptoms of preverbal trauma might include chronic anxiety, emotional outbursts, depression, difficulty in relationships, impulsiveness, extreme responses to actual or perceived abandonment, and feeling invisible.

Traumatized people often choose psychotherapy or other personal growth methods. This helps enormously, but at some point, a “breakdown” may occur when a life event triggers the early trauma.

Because there are no words to describe the early trauma, intense and confusing emotions may arise. Breakdowns may be a blessing because we are forced to admit a problem exists. At this point, it is important to make reparations. We must accept that a problem occurred early on and protect the child still within us. It is time to seek ways to heal.

Art therapy is an excellent way to begin healing because it gently allows the primitive memories from the early brain to move into the verbal, problem-solving brain. This begins the process of opening communication between brains. Journaling, meditation, and prayer can also be healing.

The path to self-awareness could be smoother and may go in many directions. At some point, regressive therapy may be helpful. It is possible to be in touch with early pain and learn to accept it as part of your healing process. It takes courage and guidance. Be discerning when you decide to leap into your past.

Dianne Arman, LMSW
International Primal Association


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