Spirit Of The Heart


By Alethea Monk Howard

Look deep within the heart and see where true love and goodness (REALLY) start. This will bring a deeper level of presence, wisdom, and awareness. The heart can be complicated or simple, hurtful or loving, evil or good. A good heart shines; an evil heart shows the darkness of spirit. Good or evil, the heart is complicated.

Opening the heart of wisdom is where we naturally grow and evolve. Unlock the heart, open it to the soul, be aware, and discover what is within the human soul. Let all your troubles go. “Let not our hearts be troubled.” We can let go of fear and live a life of peace and love as best we can.

Awaken to become a true spirit soul, returning to keeping the heart strong and pure. Searching the heart for all things brings knowledge to this present time. Opening the beauty of the heart glows brightness from within and beams without.

As men and women, we could honor each other with equality. We all know what it feels like to be hurt, so let’s try to respect one another’s hearts by being more conscious of ourselves and others as people in this World. Let’s open and give our hearts with love, truth, and all the goodness they can hold.

Finding mental peace in our lives, remember that a peaceful heart is a healthy heart. Kindness, patience, simplicity, love, hope, being positive, and “staying in the presence” create a happy heart. When we are good to ourselves and others, we are free.

It is such a delight walking in the light,
Giving heart-to-heart smiles,
A sparkle of happiness to all in sight.
Receiving great joy in return,
Oh, angels blow your horns.
Sun shining down on the trees,
With a glimmer that pleases the soul.
Lighting bugs glowing among the green grass.
Moonlight shows the brightness of the night.
Hello, everyone awake to see the light,
Beautiful sunsets covering the sky.
So much to see with our eyes,
As the light of dawn awakens our lives.
Opening the heart to all nature’s beauty,
Becoming almighty as we continue to thrive!

Life can be difficult at times for all of us; we owe it to ourselves to try to stay hopeful and kind to our hearts, all hearts. Staying strong and being of oneness gives us hope beyond the soul, for love is all as a whole! I love you, World! Let’s open our hearts and love one another in this present.

Love is a beacon in my heart,
The sweetness is tearing me apart.
I don’t know where it goes,
Nor how it starts.
It’s like the blossom of a rose
And a bright, shiny star…
Which has been awakened in my soul,
And so it’s been told,
Love is all as a whole.

Stepping out into space, trusting in the Divine.
Motionlessly flowing through eternity,
Leaving the stunting past behind,
Awakening to the presence of time.
Seeing clearly through thine eyes,
Life in its greatest glory.
Knowing we do not walk alone,
Within this Earth we call home.
Beyond all this, we can see the past,
That brought us to this very day,
As we go on into time and space.
Moving slowly, yet fast, while life
Moves us beyond the past.

Alethea Monk Howard


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