The Power of Understanding Your Self


By Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P

Most ancient cultures left behind some concept of “know thyself.” Socrates, Aristotle, and even Shakespeare wrote about this idea, which was written over the entrances to temples and places of study. Leonardo da Vinci said, “Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood.”

So, taking what Leonardo da Vinci said, how can we learn to love and accept ourselves if we don’t know and understand ourselves? He also said, “He who cannot establish dominion over himself will have no dominion over others.” So, the idea is that the more you understand yourself, the more power and discernment you have over your life and the choices you make. Because, as we know, we reap what we sow with our thoughts, even if they are subconscious.

Part of understanding our whole self is going beneath the conscious thoughts we like to think we are working from, to the ones we may have inherited from our family of origin, society, and peers, to name a few, to look at the shadow side of ourselves. Truly understanding ourselves requires courage to look at the negative and positive thoughts in our subconscious.

Although it is easier to look at the positive, I encourage you to find out what negative thoughts and beliefs are programmed in your subconscious mind. When we fear moving forward in life and into the unknown and possible greater joy and connection with Source, we often develop a role we play, a mask, to hide anything we might be judged as negative and/or fear others might.

You are, at your core, a divine being. I invite you to allow yourself to go underneath into your subconscious and see what’s there so you can change your inner programming and beliefs and heal them.

Your roles and masks keep you from knowing your true self and control you like a marionette puppet whose strings and the hand controlling them you can not see. I invite you to remove the curtain hiding the controlling beliefs and thoughts, recognize your true self, make conscious choices from your heart, and use discernment. This allows you to take control of your life.

How can we understand ourselves if we live from our shadows, our masks, and the roles we play? When we suppress our negative self and resist working with it, we are digging ourselves a deeper hole, separating us from our divine self. We are then unable to truly express our divine self because we spend so much time and energy suppressing a part of ourselves and, in doing so, suppressing the whole of us.

How about we connect with our inner observer, our higher self, and start observing, healing, and integrating our shadow and subconscious aspects so we can get to know ourselves, understand ourselves and our subconscious beliefs, and learn to be our best selves? Remember, life is a journey of self-discovery and mastery, so I invite you to have some love and compassion for yourself on your journey of understanding yourself.

Love and Light,

Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P


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