Recognizing the Spirit of the Holidays!


angel-1004111_1280 Greetings readers! It’s that time of year again, when we find ourselves engulfed in the season of giving, joy to the world and peace on earth. I was out in the city lately and I seemed to notice all of those familiar signals that the holidays are approaching. The smell of peppermint wafting through the air, the scent of cookies baking in the oven, and of course, bobbing and weaving to avoid being trampled in the holiday rush. Soon we shall see dazzling Christmas lights, Santas on every corner, and we’ll hear Christmas music on the radio. The trees are barren as the beautiful colors of autumn leaves are swept away. As the outside lies dormant, we will soon be moving in high gear, decorating our homes, purchasing presents and last but not least, making arrangements to visit family and friends.

The first snowflakes are soon to fall as the world is cozying up by the fireplace with hot chocolate and apple cider in toe. We marvel at all the traditions and festivities we hold so dear to us. We shall once again submerge ourselves in this season of miracles where something special seems to unfold. It is as if humanity views the world through different eyes. The most beautiful and enchanting sight to witness is the Christmas spirit through the eyes of a child.

I myself experienced this first-hand. It was shortly after Thanksgiving; I was with my child out and about in the city. I wanted to share a time honored tradition with my daughter, viewing the holiday windows at Marshall Field’s (aka: Macy’s.) After viewing the windows, we ventured inside to admire the elegant decor. Of course, the usual holiday bustle was about. Despite this, I continued to point out various decorations and then I heard, “What about the angels mom?”

I responded in utter confusion, “Angels, what angels?” She proceeded to point upwards and I followed her gaze. Much to my amazement, dozens of large paper mache angels were suspended from the ceiling. I stood there in awe. Never had I even thought to stop and take the time to look up. Much like many during this holiday season, I was swept away in a sea of ongoing need to get things done. When did my vision become so narrowed that I no longer viewed the beauty that surrounded me? When is it that adults stop being amazed at the little things in life? Would it not be truly a great paradigm shift if we could once again experience Christmas through the eyes of a child!

Don’t forget to appreciate your total surroundings. Happy Holidays!

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Nancy Lynn
Nancy Lynn is a gifted medium, able to speak with spiritual guides and those who have crossed over. Her mission is to help people reconnect to their own spiritual insight and to their own unique gifts. She provides information on areas of concern in the present that need attention. Nancy founded "Opening to Enlightenment" which provides workshops, training, and self-help sessions that cover a variety of topic areas. She is excited about the opportunity to help you on your journey of personal growth and enlightenment. Visit Nancy’s web site at to obtain further information about workshops, spirit fests and future events, or email her at


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