Confessions of a Psychic Medium


By Laura Moody

It was the fall of 1995, I had just finished a tarot class with a local Michigan psychic medium and I was scared. The class started with ten of us and upon graduation, there were four remaining. The instructor told us the good news, at the final class we would be reading to her customers. I did not feel ready. I had doubts. I did not feel like I was any good at this. I had a strong desire to offer readings but what if I was wrong? What if I was not accurate? Was it fair to offer a reading even if I did not trust what I was getting?

Even though I had been studying psychic development for five years prior, I had never thought of myself as a professional or a “real” reader. The night came, I was sweating, thoughts filled my head, and my heart was beating fast. I told myself, “I can do this with the help of my spirit guides.” I walked into the classroom to find a room full of customers waiting for the ‘new readers’. As I walked in, my instructor had a strange expression on her face. “Laura” she said, “you are the only student that has shown up to the final class. You will have to do all the readings tonight. I prayed, “Help me to see and hear, let me be a vessel to help those that are here.”

Somehow I made it, although, I felt like I was making stuff up to tell these people. But each one of them nodded their head and said I was very accurate. That was my beginning as a professional psychic/medium. It has had its bumps and has had its highs but one thing is certain, I am compelled to do this.

Many of my friends are psychics and mediums, healers and energy workers. We all have our fears and doubts. We have all had our highs when we were told we were amazing, and we have all had our lows when someone has expressed some type of disappointment in our sessions. So why do we continue? Many of us feel a calling to ‘serve and help’. We would do what we do and many have, regardless of receiving an income. It is just who we are. We believe this is our purpose.

So who are we? Or better yet, who am I? I am a person just like you. I have my ups and downs, my fears and my triumphs. I get irritated, I get angry, I am sometimes unrealistic. I am a work in progress. I work to release my fears and emotions so I can be a clear channel for the other side.

It was my vision to create a ‘new’ type of fair where people could come and experience many different psychic modalities at a reasonable rate. Thus, Rock Your World Events began. It is my goal to offer a place and space where many can come and get a psychic or mediumship reading or an energy session and experience a variety of services. Some of us have been working as a professional for many years, some of us may be just starting out. But we all share something in common and that is the desire to serve and help.

I hope you come and visit our fairs! We look forward to seeing you!

For more on Laura and her fairs go to or


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