Spreading Free Smiles Across the City of Taylor


Dr. Steven Shwedel and Dr. Caroline Okonkowski will once again host a free dental care event through, Dentistry From The Heart, supporting Wayne County residents by providing the first 130+ adult patients, 18 years and older, free dental services on Saturday, September 7.

The team of dental professionals at Shwedel Dental will provide patients with a free filling, extraction or cleaning. There will also be several dentists, oral surgeons, hygienists, dental assistants and other dental professionals donating their time and resources.

Dentistry From The Heart is located at 25650 Goddard Road, Taylor, MI, 48180. Patients are asked to arrive early as the event is first-come, first-served. Registration begins at 7:45 a.m. and patients will be seen until 5:00 p.m. Patients are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather and bring chairs, water, snacks, etc., as they will be outside while waiting to be seen.

This is the eleventh annual event for Shwedel Dental and their team of volunteers. Previous events have brought relief to over 1,140 people while donating over $317,000 in free dental care to the Taylor community. The services provided by Dentistry From The Heart not only help a patient’s teeth and overall health, it gives them a renewed reason to smile.

The smiles are on us! For more information call Nicole Forsey at 313-292-5590 or email info@shwedeldental.com. Visit www.ShwedelDental.com or www.dentistryfromtheheart.org


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