February — A Time To Celebrate Love


February is an awesome month. It has Valentine’s Day in it — and how many of us get a rose for Valentine’s Day? I’ve gotten one or two in my lifetime. Indeed not as many as I would like, but it’s a wonderful day, especially if we have someone dear in our life. When we don’t, we can still have love in our life in different ways. We don’t always have to have love through a relationship; we can have it with an animal companion. For some, their work is their passion. I try to figure out life and each decade that I’ve gone through; I think I get better and better with each one. We just moved into 2020, WOW, I never thought I’d get here, but here I am, with my passion in life to help you!

Everyone says that you need to do what makes you feel good! None of us know where we’re going until we get there! Although most say we pick our parents, I’m not so sure; I think it’s the luck of the draw. I know a lot of us would not have come if we knew we were going to get the parents we got, our relationships, brothers, or sisters. I’m laughing as I write this because when I think about all that, it’s all about my memories. Some can be good or bad, or we can change the way we feel about them. When we think about our past and our history, sometimes healing our heart takes a little work. I have noticed this by doing all the readings that I and all the Psychics that come to the Michigan Psychic Fair do.

We are here for a purpose, to help you in some way — in relationships, career, or possibly finances — because I’ve looked back on all the people that I have helped as well as other psychics who have helped a lot of people on their paths. I can’t say it’s just me in the 35 years that I’ve been doing this. I’ve had a lot of people come back and tell me how much I have helped them. I know other psychics have done the same; support from others is important; we need someone that has our back or believes in us and helps build our self-esteem.

With Valentine’s Day, this month, it’s just about love and wanting that loving feeling. Many of us have been in relationships that didn’t work — we chalk it up as part of the learning curve. Life can be generally wonderful if we’ve got the right people loving us because, with love, we can do just about anything. I think men work for women when they love them; that’s one way they show their love. They don’t always say the words women want to hear. Women show love in the way of doing things. Love is about making the person we’re with feel better, happy, and special. Life is about happiness, which we’re all looking for.

As I mentioned, I have a passion for helping people — on your career path and in your relationships, including children and animal companions. You’re on your way to be successful and have the life that you desire.

We all want and deserve an amazing life, and we can help! Come to Michigan Psychic Fair. Each week we host a fair in your neighborhood. Krystal-Gems crystals are at every fair, and each week brings different psychics and mediums, in addition to our core psychics.

Love and Light, Pauline


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