How Free Are You?


By Phil Rosenbalm

   You may think you are in charge of all the decisions you make, but you may be mistaken. Everyone has a conscious mind and a subconscious mind, and often the two are not in agreement with each other. Your conscious mind decides what you want to do or have, but often, something seems to get in the way of your goals. More than likely, it is your subconscious mind that is causing the problem.

   Experts now believe that up to 95% of our behaviors are controlled by subconscious beliefs or programs. These messages came from other people when we were growing up. It may have been parents, teachers, siblings, friends, or other people. During the first 6 or 7 years of our life, our conscious mind is not yet fully developed, and we pretty much accept whatever we are told. We do not question the messages that are coming in.

   The subconscious mind is like a powerful recorder, and it keeps track of all the different messages we receive. We then act in agreement with these beliefs or programs. There are some very serious problems associated with this situation. First, about 70% or more of the programs or beliefs in the subconscious mind are self-sabotaging and limiting, which interfere with getting what we truly want out of life. The second problem is that we are not even aware of what these messages are. It’s as though some invisible force is controlling us, and that force does support our goals and desires.

   Consider some of the messages many children receive when growing up: “What’s wrong with you?” “You’ll never change,” “You’re too sensitive,” “I do everything for you,”  Boys don’t cry,”  “A woman’s place is in the home,” “You make me so mad,” “you’re fat,” “You’re so lazy,” “You’ll never learn,” “I’m disappointed in you,” etc. Children hear many more of these kinds of messages growing up. When young children hear these messages, they accept them as true, and these messages become part of their subconscious programming. Later, when people can’t seem to accomplish what they want to achieve, they have no idea why they keep failing. These messages cause all kinds of problems and often result in sabotaging oneself.             
   It is important to find out what people are telling themselves, and what subconscious messages are affecting them in a negative way. Then, it is necessary to challenge these messages and realize that they are not true, not valid. Finally, one must replace these negative messages with much more positive life-affirming messages so that they can stop sabotaging their lives and start to get what they truly desire. 

   When we are very young, it’s as if we are in a hypnotic state, and we pretty much accept what we are told. So what better way to reverse these negative beliefs than with positive messages while in hypnosis? Another way to deal with these messages, if you are aware of them, is to constantly affirm the opposite. For example, instead of believing “I’ll never succeed, you continually tell yourself you are a success. Or, instead of saying you’re not good enough, you continually affirm, “I am good enough.” By doing this, you are able to replace these negative, very destructive messages with much more positive ones. 

   As you can see, hypnosis can be a very helpful tool to rid one of this negative subconscious programming. Hypnosis does work, and there are thousands of peer-reviewed studies that demonstrate this is true. In addition, practically everyone can be hypnotized, as long as they are willing to be. 

   There is a great deal of misunderstanding about hypnosis which often stops people from seeing a hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is perfectly safe when done by a certified and ethical hypnotist. You will never do anything that goes against your values or moral beliefs. In addition, you cannot get stuck in hypnosis. 

   If you would like to learn more about hypnotherapy or experience a session, please call Phillip Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. It’s time to stop letting these negative programs run your life.


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