Operation Prayer Power – 50 Years of Service to Humanity through Love in Action


Part 1 – A New Yoga for a New Age

I vividly remember a glorious day fifty years ago on June 30, 1973, when I was atop the holy mountain, Holdstone Down, in N. Devonshire, England, on a Spiritual pilgrimage with almost two hundred people. Our purpose there was to join with the inventor of Operation Prayer Power, Dr. George King, to help mark the inauguration of this mighty Mission for global peace and healing, which Dr. King termed “A New Yoga for a New Age.” 

Saturday, June 30, will shine forever in the Akashic Records of Earth Day, and the day dawned brilliantly as the Sun rose into the blue Devonshire skies. Just as the spiritual preparations began, the world was passing through the biggest Solar eclipse for hundreds of years. As the Earth was deprived of millions of Solar energy units, a few hundred representatives of humanity were witnessing the birth of a mighty new force to shape its evolution.

As well as a dynamic spiritual gathering, there was also a large and dynamic gathering of media with both Britain’s major television networks and two newspapers represented. The television crews shot over a thousand feet of film and were tremendously impressed with Operation Prayer Power. Other epic events on this day included a mantra team of almost two hundred people, joining with powerful prayer team members using the beautiful, soulful prayers of The Twelve Blessings

Then, as an inspiring finale, there was an unscheduled and skillful display of yogic discipline by Dr. King, who gathered and directed spiritual energy from the pilgrims as they chanted Mantra. Then, through a dazzling display of Thibeta mudra, he radiated this spiritual energy into the Operation Prayer Power battery for storage for later release to help our suffering world. This was a new spiritual technology invented to harness the miraculous energy of the Creator through the heartfelt prayers of the participants.

The memories of that day are burned deep within my heart and soul, and I know that I will carry these with me through my lifetimes. For I know without any doubt, after fifty years of cooperating with Operation Prayer Power in different parts of the world, that this was the beginning of a new era for humanity. This global healing mission of prayer and love has been a golden thread in my life; one which I, and many others around the world, cherish,

Later that summer, Operation Prayer Power began in America on September 23, similarly, on the shores of Padre Bay, Lake Powell, in Utah. This was another powerful spiritual environment that was near a chakra of the living Mother Earth, ideal for the inauguration of this mission in the USA. 

The Power of Prayer

In my early twenties, I worked for seven years in the Theology Department at King’s College London, and one of my duties was to serve tea and coffee to the Professors. I admit I loved this as I would take the opportunity of these daily breaks to discuss deep questions with them, such as why we were here on Earth! I was first introduced to prayer at this time and was surprised that prayer was assumed rather than taught. I can’t say I was then a particularly religious or prayerful person. If I wanted something, my nature was to do my best to achieve it rather than pray for it. However, at the same time, I became deeply involved in the cosmic teachings of Dr. King and The Aetherius Society, and this was when I learned that prayer is a great spiritual force for good, that it can help, heal, strengthen, and inspire oneself and others if used correctly.

Dr. King said, “Prayer is a song of the soul, and the soul wants to sing.” This description of prayer resonated within me, liberating me from all my previous misconceptions about prayer. I realized the eternal Truth that prayer is not limited to any religion or belief system but is a song of the soul inherent within us all. 

I learned that prayer could change the world if enough people use this innate spiritual power within us. This Truth was the inspiration that moved Dr. George King to invent Operation Prayer Power. This compassionate Master fervently wished for a world where everyone would raise their hands in prayer at any opportunity to help their fellow man. He saw the need to be able to gather and store this energy of Love and release it at times of need. 

He knew that if enough people prayed when they heard of a natural disaster or tragedy, wonderful results could be brought. However, he was also a realist, and he knew that it would be difficult to get thousands of people together physically, all praying in an intense fashion at the same time. This inspired him to invent the global healing mission, Operation Prayer Power.

Dr. King was not only an enlightened Master and visionary but also a spiritual scientist. Through his deepest meditations, he realized that his spiritual dream of thousands of people praying together to alleviate suffering in response to a natural disaster or at times of world crisis could become a reality – with the aid of a spiritual technology that he invented and is at the heart of Operation Prayer Power. 

This vision of hope was borne from Dr. King’s enduring love for humanity. Dr. King had lovingly placed a chalice of Spiritual power in all our hands and taught us how to use its magical elixir for peace. Dr. King first revealed this powerful, new ecological tool to the world on his 53rd birthday, January 23, 1972. He gave Operation Prayer Power to all who wish to be of service to our world. 

Operation Prayer Power Continues…

Following these two inaugural Operation Prayer Power pilgrimages, regular weekly sessions, known as charging sessions, were held at centers around the world. Readers of Body Mind Spirit Guide are fortunate to have access to Operation Prayer Power since it is only available at five locations in the world! Royal Oak is one of these, and Operation Prayer Power is held here every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. and once a month on a Saturday. Everyone who believes in the power of prayer is welcome to come along and observe our charging session to see whether they wish to participate. Please get in touch with us if you want to do that.

Be transformed by a Unique Spiritual Experience!

50th Anniversary Celebrations – in the U.K. and Royal Oak, Michigan

JUNE 25, 2023 – Pilgrimage to Holdstone Down in Devon, South West England, for the 50th Anniversary of Operation Prayer Power 

We warmly invite you to join us on June 25 at the holy mountain Holdstone Down in Devon, South West England. We will be celebrating the Anniversary of the Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power, which took place in this beautiful location 50 years ago.

For further information, please click this link: https://www.aetherius.org/be-transformed-by-a-unique-spiritual-experience-invitation/ 

September 23, 2023 – Public Operation Prayer Power Charging Session at The Aetherius Temple, Royal Oak, Michigan, to mark the 50th Anniversary in the USA. Royal Oak, Michigan 

If you cannot attend the Pilgrimage in England, we are pleased to announce that you can still experience the magic of Operation Prayer Power here in Royal Oak, Michigan. We shall hold a public Operation Prayer Power Charging Session on Saturday, September 23, at The Aetherius Temple, Royal Oak.  

This Operation Prayer Power 4-part Series will continue in the July, August, and September issues.

Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is an international speaker, co-host of Aetherius Radio Live at Body Mind Spirit Radio, and author of twelve books. She was a long-time direct disciple in London and Los Angeles of the Society’s Founder, Dr. George King. She is a priest at the E. USA Branch of The Aetherius Society in Royal Oak, Michigan.


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