Seven Keys to Having Clear Intuition


By Barbra White

I had the honor of teaching a few retreats with Dr Eldridge when I was in my early thirties. I met Eldridge in his mid-eighties, and he was my spiritual big brother, an amazing spiritual teacher, beloved professor, and devotee of Paramahamsa Yogananda in Self Realization Fellowship. Eldridge said this prayer was the ONLY one he ever needed: “Give me the sensitivity to hear thy voice, and the courage to follow it” Dr. Eldridge HuntingtonToday, in my late forties and serving as a spiritual teacher and holistic therapist for over two decades, I couldn’t agree more. 

When we have a connection to that inner whisper, we have peace, joy, and happiness that is not dependent on conditions, circumstances, or approval.

In other words, we are free.  

When we can’t hear that inner voice, we must control the outside world to feel safe, manipulate others’ opinions about us, and/or gain “power” through the roles we play, money, etc. 

Hell on Earth. Right?

Intuition is the voice of God within. Insight, self-realization, or inner whispers are the way your Soul, God, aka Presence of Creation…speaks to you. Intuition, defined here as “inner whisper,” includes your felt body knowing and is different than a “psychic read.” A psychic reading could be called intuition; however, in this article, we are focusing on the inner landscape of freeing oneself to true happiness.  

Waking up to the fact that you are an expression of Source is fueled by cultivating your intuition! Your Soul is a complete expression of God. —IN-divid-ual’ –literally translates to undivided. A ray of sunlight has all the qualities of the sun and is not trying to ‘get back to’ the sun. A drop of water has all the elements of the Ocean. Likewise, you are the way in which the Divine (God, Love, Christ, Buddha, or Goddess) shows up in the world, and your intuition is your “God GPS” towards feeling the power of Love’s genius flow IN, AS, and through YOU!

Seven Keys to Having Clear Intuition: 

Clearing the emotional static. Self-acceptance is feeling without adding stories of blame towards oneself or others. 

  1. Feeling is healing, and self-compassion pulls someone out of victim identification. Choice is a function of self-awareness. Emotions we repress, project, or deny will control us. Emotions we feel with self-compassion give us agency and the ability to hear our intuition. How can you hear the music of your Soul if you are in a ping-pong match with lower frequencies of blame? Loving all parts of yourself opens you to your inner intuitive genius.

Faith is essential, and even a tiny willingness…a tiny drop…to trust there is something greater than your body and mind. As one listens and follows their intuition, they build a stronger faith and unwavering confidence not based on conditions or other’s approval. Faith in a broader self-identity, or something bigger than your current understanding of yourself, is essential to hearing your intuition. Many people must heal their “God trauma” to hear their inner voice. Humans have projected HUMAN qualities onto God as angry, vengeful, and punishing. 

  1. Why would a person lean on their intuition if they think it’s going to punish them?
  1. Detaching from outcomes. Suffering comes from attachment (trying to control) or aversion (pushing away). It is that simple yet lifelong practice. Things you avoid, you activate in yourself and life; things you grasp for…you push away. Detaching from outcomes breaks this drama loop and allows you to be available to realizations and your intuitive wisdom. How can you be open to new insights if you think you already have the answer (negative or positive)?
  1. Intuition is not linear. Intuition jumps consciousness to a higher dimension of 4th or 5th-dimensional reality. Newtonian thought believes in only cause and effect and is linear. For example, if you are going to a grocery store, it is logical you would think to get bread. This is not intuition. Intuition takes quantum leaps by instantly knowing something you couldn’t logically know. For instance, you are at the same grocery store, and you feel an inner whisper that your friend, whom you haven’t talked to in a while, is having a bad day. You call, and they say it was the “perfect time.” Are you willing to open your inner perceptual windows?
  1. See intuition as part of your energy anatomy rather than “being gifted.” We are ALL Intuitive and “gifted” people; those who demonstrate clear intuition are just ones who have practiced listening and following. Grace, Benevolent Flow or Divine Order….Just Is.. Gravity doesn’t take a day off. Meaning, ideas, vision, and insights are waiting to be caught. The telephone was looking for Bell. For example, inventions are realized by multiple people in different parts of the world! Everyone can be a genius, gifted, intuitive, and a visionary if they practice. Are you willing to accept the spiritual genius that wants to flow through you?
  1. Embodiment is essential to catching an insight for oneself. Even if the insight is “bad news,” intuition feels light, empowering, or like freedom in the body. Pain that we didn’t have tools or support to heal (aka trauma) can disconnect us from our bodies and thus clear intuition. PTSD and dissociation from the body can block us from hearing our inner voice, which is why someone can truly not know how to get out of the job they hate, a bad relationship, etc. Healing the trauma helps someone to hear the intuitive steps to take to change their lives. This is why it is cruel to judge someone when they are stuck. They may not have had the crucial tools and vital emotional support they need to heal the trauma. Would you judge a tree for not growing if it is not given water?

Intuition is the voice within, grounded with body listening. Intuition feels nourishing in the body, and this is the signal it is in alignment with your highest good. Someone can travel the 144 astral realms or be super psychic… yet not free. A person may NOT hear THEIR own personal inner wisdom but know it for others! This is suffering. They could be a great psychic or spiritual teacher for OTHERS, but their unhealed trauma could be blocking their ability to live a truly nourishing life. Everyone deserves to eat at their own inner spiritual banquet. Everyone is fundamentally good and created in the divine image. 

  1. You can feel, hear, see, or know your intuition. Discovering what “Clair” is easiest for you is helpful in developing your intuition. Notice if you say, “I see what you are saying,” “I feel you,” or “I get it” when replying to others. This can be a clue to what intuitive sense is most prominent. Practice daily and even with mundane life events, and you can develop all the ways of clearly feeling the voice of God guiding, guarding, and directing you.   Clair means to be clear. One “Clair” is NOT better than the other. Clairvoyant means to see energy or spirit.

Clairsentient means to feel your intuition.

Claircognizant means you just know something.

Clairaudient means you hear your intuition.

Be willing to get it wrong. Sometimes, your intuition will be off. This is an opportunity to see if you have an attachment to outcomes, your chatter mind added to the original insight, or you let emotional static get in the way. Learning to trust the voice of the Divine within YOU can be a life-long, joy-filled, lifelong learning adventure!! As you practice listening to your intuition, it will become more and more a way of Being versus something “you do.” Following your intuition or “God GPS” is being in integrity with your Soul and awakening to unshakable happiness. Your intuition will guide you towards tangible steps to live your most beneficial life!

I love helping people to get unstuck, embody their gifts, or clear trauma to awaken purpose. 

Free 20-minute session, with no obligation to continue working with me. Nov 11th Mother Bear Sanctuary Open House and Seven Keys to Intuition workshop. Receive energy healing and guidance 10-12, 12-130 workshop!! ONLINE program Jan 22- Mar 7 only $195 7 weeks, 14 workshops! March begins a series of DFS retreats and apprenticeship programs. 

We are accepting applications now!


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