The Importance Of Feminine Energy

gouache painting illustration of the Celtic Goddess Cerridwen --style raw --stylize 0 Job ID: 6843f59e-efc6-417f-a872-bd2af65da5ea

The Importance Of Feminine Energy

By John Ashbrook

     Every creative act requires a balance of two types of energy. 

One type of energy is masculine, which is characterized by activation or force. The other type of energy is feminine, which is characterized by non-action or trust. Our society seems to have a love affair with masculine energy because we lack patience and trust, which is feminine energy. After all, masculine energy is something we can see and feel. We push the door open, turn the key, hit the ball, and force things to happen. The movement of feminine energy is not so easy to detect because it is not an outward movement; it is a relaxing inner movement. 

We do not see it, so it is difficult to trust its reality.  

     Every one of us, male or female, has both a masculine and feminine side. Whether we realize it or not, everything we do is a utilization of both masculine and feminine energy. If this were not the case, nothing would happen. Too often, the things that we are trying to accomplish do not turn out exactly as we would have them turn out. The reason for these distorted results is simple – the creation was not characterized by the exact balance of masculine and feminine energy. There was too much of one (usually masculine) and not enough of the other (usually feminine).  

     Let us examine more closely those two examples and their relationship to one another. The masculine principle of activation means that we deliberately issue, claim, set in motion, move toward, cause, determine, make happen, and purposefully use the forces at our disposal. We know of these forces, and we call them into action. We do this by removing all possible obstructions. Effort and endeavor are necessary to set the creative forces in motion.  

     The feminine principle of trust means that we deliberately adopt a conscious attitude of belief that we have done everything possible to force creation. There is nothing left to do but relax and wait patiently for the results. No more force is needed. 

     The golfer who hits the ball too hard (overuse of the masculine principle) misses the hole. The business person who tries to force the deal creates stress and is frustrated when nothing happens. To create what you want in life, you must seek an exact balance between doing and non-doing, between the masculine principle of force and the feminine principle of trust. 

Know when you have done everything possible to make something happen, and then don’t do anything more. If you adopt this attitude, things will happen faster and will be more likely to be exactly what you want to happen.  

     We must trust and believe that what we have set into motion will happen. It is this trust and belief that guarantees success. This is feminine energy. It is not about control. It is about surrender. Surrender to forces that we cannot see but eventually can feel! The salesperson can feel when they are about to close a deal, and in that brief moment, they relax into a peaceful, knowing state. The athlete who believes he or she will excel will do so without over-exertion or strain. Never underestimate the quiet, knowing, confidence that is the feminine principle.

     We do not have to control everything in life. We must learn to relinquish control in the arena where we are most strained and fearful. This requires trust, belief, and faith. This is why the cultivation of feminine energy is so important.  

     If we can relinquish control and learn to trust in life, then we will overcome fear. It is fear that puts us into a forcing state. It is fear that prevents us from trusting. Feminine energy is the answer. It works, and by using feminine energy, you will let go of fear and gain the power to create a more abundant, fulfilling, peaceful life.  


     Resistance to the natural and healthy flow of life energy is ultimately the source of all pain. Where fear and mistrust of the process of life rule the personality, peace, joy, and harmony are obstructed. Unresisted, life flows so calmly, like the smoothest of rivers. When this river of life energy meets resistance, it is slowed up. It begins to congest, and flow is blocked. Fear and mistrust hold still that which would naturally flow, freedom is lost. Matter itself is energy in an extremely disunified state. Matter is energy of a low vibration; it is congested and condensed by its own resistance to the force of life. This is symbolic of what happens in the human psyche when fear and erroneous beliefs dominate the soul, and an imbalance of control results. This resistance within cuts one off from the natural flow of life and obstructs the realization of important, freeing universal truths. Where truth lives and thrives, there can be no resistance, no misery, no suffering, no pain, no evil, only spiritual growth, love, and divine fulfillment.  

John Ashbrook


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