Blindsided by Your Fiance


By Dr. Nic & Mike

Are You Kidding Me…

Cindy had been dating her guy for a while. They got engaged, she moved into his house, and they even set a wedding date. 

Sounds great, right… The rest of the story… 

Three months into it, he wants her to change jobs, get rid of her dog, and change her son’s school; he even stopped spending money on her. In other words, a real manipulator, a real control freak, a real bad seed… 

She describes her relationship as one filled with empty promises—the relationship from Hell. Now, she has to undo everything she just did—relocate, etc. 

What a costly mistake…leading her to much grief, heartache, financial burden…it goes on and on… 

Cindy was inundated with dreams and signs. She just didn’t know how to recognize or interpret the messages. 

Therefore, she overlooked them…Ouch!!! 

Not only that but she was warned and could’ve avoided this atrocity. 

Dreams, Signs, and Intuition reveal the Truth every single time. 

Don’t let this happen to you! 

May the Blessings Be,

Dr. Nic and Mike

Founders of Divine Guidance Institute



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