Chicken Speaks


By Barbra WhiteCrow

Our Hen, Mary Lu, was loved by so many here at Mother Bear Sanctuary.  Kids would visit the rescued horses, cows, goats, etc., and when asked: “What is your favorite animal they would reply enthusiastically, “Mary Lu!!!”   Sadly, Mary Lu was eaten by a fox recently.   We grieved her loss because, at Mother Bear Sanctuary, we see our animals as sovereign beings.  This perspective is not new, as many Indigenous tribes called animals and plants “horse people” or “tree people.”  We honor Nature, not  “other” or separate from us, but vitally part of our whole Soul Whole Identity.

After telling our beloved farm helper Jen about Mary Lu, she said: “Nature is both beautiful and cruel.”  This seems true as we see a bunny dying from the cold, a polar bear starving, or a fawn eaten by a coyote. Yet, is it just Nature that is beautiful and harsh at times?  I think not. Nature reflects the fragile dance of both Life and death.  The 8th mystery of the world is that we pretend illness, death, or loss will not happen to us. Then, when that flow of Life happens, we say things like “Why me?” or “This is not fair,” not realizing at that moment that harsh events are not personal.   However, how we choose to see these events is 100% personal.   We have a choice to ask for help, resource ourselves, and view challenges as an opportunity to grow… or see them as a curse.  Likewise, Nature is not “cruel”; it simply reflects natural law, impermanence, and the incredibly precious gift of each day.

When we remember our fundamental wholeness through self-acceptance and spiritual practice, we have access to our broader Self Identity, Soul, or True Self.  This True Self is a wave in a massive Ocean of Love.  As we stand in our Divine True Identity, we become a portal to expanded consciousness, the Ocean of Love, and infinite creative wisdom.  Like humans, animals, once healed, hold an access point to the collective wisdom held by that species.

Chicken Speaks:   We hold an access point to unity consciousness.  Our behavior is curiosity, flock awareness, and wonder.  Watching us across a yard, you will see us walk intentionally, seeing every detail with curiosity.  We don’t think about our steps; we are truly in that moment, awake, and always on an adventure.   We have over 20 ways in which we communicate and feel most relaxed close to our chicken family.

If you have forgotten your Oneness and lost your wonder, we are the medicine that will help.   Observe us in person or a video and breathe in our awareness.  Let us attune you back to the intrinsic unity of Life and help you open up.  Do this simple Divine Feminine Shamanic merging by imagining your feet like ours and arms like our wings.  Playfully move around your room, walk with intention, and look with wonder at everything as you let us re-awaken you. Allow yourself to feel the connections that are always there.  Yes, you will feel silly–challenge yourself into sacred play and wonder.  

Once you use chicken consciousness, you can give back:  Eat more plants! Chia seeds, plants, and beans have lots of protein!  Chicken is not a healthy food.  “Animal products are now believed to be the leading cause of diabetes, cancer, and inflammatory diseases” Harvard Gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz, M.D in Fiber Fueled.  In addition: “Over 8 billion chickens are killed each year in the U.S alone. National Agriculture Statistic.  This suffering goes into our body and collective consciousness. Please consider replacing some of your chicken consumption with plants!  Big agriculture advertising has convinced us that we are “protein deficient.”  Look up the nutritional facts about protein in your plants.

Most importantly, I know food changes can be hard—progress, not perfection. The Chicken People would be very grateful.  

Please e-mail me at to be put on the event list. Purchase my recent book, Trauma Can Be the Fertilizer to Your Bloom, on Amazon. I love you, and there is nothing you can do about it. Love, Barbra WhiteCrow,, 734-796-6690, text to set up a call for mentoring, retreats, or healing.


JOY FEST Fundraiser August 10th,  9-6 pm (rain or shine).   Yoga, meditation, chi gong, Oracle Process, healing workshops!  Come on a retreat day or a few hours. Donate $55-$5000, or if funds are low– volunteer 3 hours.  Your donation supports Mother Bear Sanctuary programs with sex trafficking survivors, veterans, and our animal rescue.

Divine Feminine Shaman RETREATS–  July 18-21 Awakening The Inner Mystic Retreat,  Sept 21-32Shakti Fire: clear body shame, reclaim authenticity and passion:,  Text Barbra at 734-796-6690 for a free 20-minute session or more info.


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