Are You Eating Healthy?


Are You Eating Healthy?

No one likes to be told what, when, or how to eat.  When I ask patients to fill out a food diary, which means writing down absolutely everything they put in their mouth for a week, my popularity rating goes down – albeit temporarily.  They often scowl, and ask what I mean by everything.  The reason for doing this is because I want to take a look at their regular intake of food, as well things that fall into a category that should actually be considered recreational substances.  This category includes things that even the most avid junk food eater wouldn’t consider a meal, yet they are often consumed on a daily basis.  After doing this, people are usually surprised at how little real food they eat.  Another question I ask is if they know why they are eating.  This may seem like an odd question, but it is actually very important.  Many people eat by the clock, not by the body saying it’s time. 

What is the real purpose of eating?  When you know the answer to this, you may be much more inclined to eat healthier.  The 1st reason is to get energy – to have “get up and go.”  The 2nd is to provide building material.  You are not going to have a strong body if you don’t have the raw materials with which to rebuild your body.  Basically, we get a new body (in installments) every seven years, since all of our cells will be replaced within that amount of time.  If the blueprints are good, we get a great body – over and over again.  If the blueprints are damaged, we get a problem body – over and over again.  When we eat the right (real or original) foods, we get good replacement blueprints, and all is well.  The replacement blueprints we need come from mammal organ meats, the things people used to consider delicacies before throwing away the muscle meats to the peasants.  People in power (royalty) would eat these organ meats because they felt the greatest vitality was derived from them.  In present times, these meats are usually discarded because of the toxic loads carried by conventionally raised animals – toxins that accumulate in their organs.  It is now possible to obtain the benefits of healthy organ meats and other tissues in a concentrated form, called whole food supplements.  Whole food supplements (from reputable sources) have been cleared of toxins, leaving only what a body needs for optimal functioning.

Why should you take time to think about what you are eating?  Popular studies are reflecting how eating the right food has a positive affect on longevity and health.  As these studies become more widely known, it would seem that everyone would start eating better foods, right?  But it’s not that easy.  Many people need help following through with their decision to make better food choices, and even recognizing that they have a choice.

Fortunately, there are lots of little things that can help people eat better – that have nothing to do with willpower.  For example, did you know that the amount of food it takes to appease your hunger during a meal is proportionate to the amount of oil contained in your food?  This is due to signaling that goes from your stomach, to your liver, and then to your brain.  Therefore, when you eat foods high in oil, you become satiated (or full) faster.  When you eat foods low in oil, you could eat until you feel you will burst, yet still feel hungry.  So, if you are trying to eat less, have some healthy oils about a half hour before your meal, and you may experience a smaller appetite.  

Do you eat because you need energy, but never seem to get it?  Perhaps you are experiencing low blood sugar.  Low blood sugar occurs when your body believes there is no ready and available fuel on hand.  Artificial sugars and imitation foods fool your body.  Eating real, unprocessed, natural food is truly the only way to get the energy you need.  

People often wonder why they don’t get the energy they need from their fat stores.  The answer is that they may be – and probably are – TOXIC.  When the fat stores in a body are toxic, the body will not readily use them for energy.  That’s why some people exercise and diet without weight loss.  A small lesson in physiology helps to explain why this happens.  The liver stores sugars for the body to use.  The pancreas monitors the sugar levels, and tells the liver to store, or release, these sugars.  When more sugars are consumed than the liver can hold, excess sugars spill into the blood as triglycerides.  These triglycerides are later converted into fats for storage.  This is a good system because fats can later be reconverted into energy, as long as they are not full of toxins.  Remember that a body does not want to burn toxic fat, which may cause damage to the body.   Forcing a body to run on artificial food (high in empty calories and various sugars or fillers added to increase the shelf life) means that a body cannot run efficiently in the ways nature intended.  A toxic body means not having the energy you need and want!

So, have you answered the question yet?  Are you eating healthy?  If you have decided that you have room for improvement, don’t feel bad – be happy.  You will be making a decision that will not only extend your life, but also expand your happiness and well-being.  Congratulations!  The next step is to find a wellness coach to guide you on this most important journey, remembering that wellness is a journey, not a destination.  Have a great trip!

Dr. William H. Karl D.C.

Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Certified Wellness Doctor with over 28 years of experience helping people become well and achieve optimal health.  With an extensive knowledge of the human body and a keen interest in applying new and advanced techniques, he is able to provide the finest care possible for each and every one of his patients!  Visit, sign up for a free monthly newsletter, or call (734) 425-8220 to find out how you can start eating healthier! 


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