Your Body Sings…


How To Start Singing On Key Thriving Through Movement

I am a bodyworker.  In my practice I see all types of bodies, big and small, short and tall.  One thing they each all have in common is that each speaks of the soul’s life experience.  Our bodies are amazing vehicles.  They are built to carry us through life.  Like a finely trained choir, the body is a finely tuned system that functions harmoniously when we are in balance.  When we are stressed, distressed, sick or emotionally unstable, the cells of the body sing off key.
Our bodies truly speak our minds and emotions.  The body communicates to us the places we are out of balance physically as well as where we hold emotional pain and suffering.  Often we don’t recognize that our body is trying to communicate something to us.  We don’t connect the dots that the underlying reason for pain and suffering in our body is from an underlying metaphysical cause.   In her book, Your Body Speaks Your Mind , Deb Shapiro writes about the underlying issues that manifest in the physical body, calling for our attention.  For example, knee pain represents that there is a place in our life where we have lost balance and diminished our dignity.  It begs us to look at where we have lost ground.  A gall bladder problem represents that there are emotions we find hard to digest and assimilate, that we have bitter, resentful feelings.  A pain in the neck might signify the need to put less energy into thinking and more into engaging into physical exercise.  It also asks you to look at how well you speak from an open heart.
One powerful way the body expresses itself is through movement.  A powerful, confident, strong willed person carries themselves in a manner that commands attention unlike a person who is unsure, and lacks confidence.  Picture a ballerina and you think of a body moving with grace, ease and beauty.  You see strength, flexibility and power, yet open and expansive.  In contrast, a football player moves with determination, force, power and explosive speed.
Yogis have known for centuries that we can touch the essence of our being through movement of the body.  The way the body moves gives us insight about how we live.  Is our body flexible, open and expansive or are we contracted, shielded and closed?  Much healing can come from understanding the balance between health and movement.  The thoughts we think and the emotions we feel all impact the way we breathe which in turn influences the way we move through life.  The body has amazing self-healing abilities when we begin to bring consciousness to breath, body, thought and movement.
From this insight comes a vision … a vision of a safe, supportive place for folks to go to experience their interior landscape through movement. We envisioned a place where we can unwind the stress and tensions of the day, build our body, refresh our mind and calm our emotions, a place where inner peace reigns supreme.  We wanted to create a community, where folks can come together in common cause so our souls can thrive. I am proud to introduce Body Mind & Mat as this place.
We have consciously chosen instructors who are seasoned in their craft to partner with you on your journey. Coming to our community in September is a team of talented, qualified, instructors that includes Amy Brusca who will teach Yoga, Lisa English who is delighted to be bringing the fun fitness party of ZUMBA to you, Gwen Ray will teach Yoga and Pilates and Barbara White for Yin Yang Fitness Experience!  Barbara is a black belt in Isshin-Ryu, and life time practitioner of Qi Cong.  More on our teachers next month!

Pat Krajovic

Join us for FREE introductory classes the first week of September.  Classes begin September 10, 2012.  Call Pat at: (734) 416-5200 for details and to register.  Visit for details.

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Pat Krajovic
Pat Krajovic Pat is the owner of Bodyworks Healing Center! Contact her at: 734 416-5200. She is a senior trainer and certified facilitator for the Transformational Breath Foundation and studied directly under Dr. Judith Kravitz. Pat has the deepest respect for the healing power of the breath. She is dedicated to and passionate about bringing the breath to all that choose TB as a path to deeper self awareness. Pat combines her knowledge and extensive experience of bodywork, energy healing, and emotional release work, guided by her intuitive knowing, to dance with the breath in an effective and compassionate manner.Pat has extensive training and experience in CranioSacral Therapy, Somato Emotional Release, Esoteric Healing, Pranic Healing, and various other modalities of bodywork. She sets an impeccable standard for holding space for deeper healing and expanding levels of consciousness for the highest and greatest good.Pats holds a B.S. in Human Development with an emphasis in Individual and Family Studies, a Master’s in Public Administration and a Master’s in Business Administration from The Pennsylvania State University. She is a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and is the co-founder of BodyWorks Healing Center; a Michigan based Body/Mind/Spirit Integration Center.Pat was named “Best of the Best” for Massage Therapy in the October 2007 Issue of Allure Magazine. BodyWorks was also named Best of City Search. Pat has taught the breath in Europe and across the United States.


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