By Barbra White
Imagine knowing you are worthy simply because you exist. Imagine a felt sense of Divine Grace and benevolence in ALL areas of your Life. Imagine a life where you create, laugh and feel lovingly guided in all ways.
Where do you start to live such a life? Start with being imperfectly spiritual, imperfectly healthy, and even imperfectly you.
Then you might just bump up against your True Nature.
Social programs fill your ears with the “right” food to eat, the correct way to meditate, how to be a loving human, and the “proper” way to have sex… whew.
There’s lots to unwind!
Social conditioning and generational trauma create energy pockets and nervous system dysregulation that puts ‘static on the line,’ blocking your ability to hear/know/and feel in your bones your True Path.
This shit takes time!
Maybe a decade or so if you’re deeply committed to your evolution. It takes a couple of decades if you are only half in.
Don’t give up.
Go slow…Otherwise, you will make a choice based on fear or grasping.
First healing, then emerging.
Of course, we never stop growing. However, as we heal, we eventually develop our capacities to grow from inspiration rather than perspiration.
As you accept “what is,” you will hear direct guidance and act with clear discernment.
Life becomes more and more a wonder, mystery, and adventure than a survival game as you love yourself and act from love and creativity.
Knowing and living from your heart or Souls calling is possible
Self Acceptance is the doorway to anchoring in the Real You.
What we accept transforms, thus revealing our true, beautiful, incorruptible Selves.
The formula for happiness is: Love your humanity to know your Divinity.
Then….you realize, at some point on your path, that the two have never been separate. Ha!!
That’s when you begin to giggle at life challenges, see your emotions with gentleness, be a creative being vs trapped in ambition,
and have an unwavering faith that Life/God has always been for you.
July 13. Self-acceptance Process Retreat Day 13: 11- 5 p.m., sliding scale. To schedule a discovery call, e-mail or call 734-796-6690.