Importance of Trace Minerals


Importance of Trace Minerals
By John Chetcuti

According to Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel prizes, all

“Diseases of humanity can be attributed to the lack of minerals in our bodies.” He went on to say that, “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

Experts tell us that trace minerals are rarely found in the natural foods grown today because the soil has become depleted due to modern, intensive farming methods. Sadly, each successive generation of fast-growing, pest-resistant produce is becoming less and less nutritious. As a result, we aren’t getting the complete balance of nutrition our cells need to function and flourish.

Here is a short list of trace minerals and the roles they play in helping to maintain that delicate balance:
Magnesium – Helps maintain normal heart rhythm, immune system, and muscle function. Low magnesium levels are linked to a variety of conditions, including hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis, and poorly controlled diabetes. Signs you could be deficient: Body odor, constipation, muscle cramps, insomnia, headaches, and fatigue.

Phosphorus – A mineral and electrolyte, phosphorus is a key component of cells and bones, and plays a large role in calcium regulation (healthy bones and teeth). Abnormal phosphorus can mean abnormalities in the bones, calcium, or in electrolyte balance. Signs you could be deficient: Loss of appetite, anxiety, bone pain, fragile bones, stiff joints, fatigue, irregular breathing, irritability, numbness, weakness, and weight change.

Calcium – A mineral and electrolyte, calcium is crucial for maintaining proper nerve and heart function, blood clotting, and muscle contraction. Signs you could be deficient: Severe calcium deficiency can produce signs and symptoms of confusion and memory loss. A low blood calcium level can affect the functions of the nervous system and result in mental confusion, delusions, and memory loss. Mood changes such as depression may also result.

Iron – Iron is crucial to normal body functions. If you do not have enough iron, your body cannot make hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells. You may also develop anemia, a disorder that occurs when there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood. Signs you could be deficient: Feeling tired, difficulty breathing, dizziness, headaches, feeling cold.

Potassium – Potassium helps maintain the correct balance of fluid in the body, as well as the right chemical balance of acids and bases. Potassium triggers muscle contractions, including heart muscle contractions. The balance of potassium with other electrolytes is the key to assessing optimal electrolyte function. Signs you could be deficient: Weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation.

DEVA Vegan Trace Minerals is one mineral concentrate that I highly recommend; it contains over 72 naturally occurring ionic trace minerals from the Great Salt Lake. 99% of the sodium is removed making it a “low-sodium” supplement. Our reasonably priced product can be a great addition to your supplement regimen if you are looking for a high quality trace mineral source.

Taking trace minerals every day can help you get a wide spectrum of ionic trace minerals.

DEVA Trace Minerals is 100% vegan, vegetarian and is registered by the Vegan Society, the non-profit organization that actually invented the word “vegan”.

John Chetcuti
is a vegan of 29 years and owner of Atom’s Green Market, a natural products wholesaler. He was president and co-founder of the Michigan Vegan Society and is currently studying plant-based nutrition at Cornell University. Retailers, for wholesale information, call (313)300-7709


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