Looking Within


Have you ever wondered how we became what we are? Or maybe wonder where it is we are heading in this life time of ours? Many times over I have sat and thought, or maybe I should say listened to what I thought I heard, or maybe it was just a brief moment of allusion. Ever wonder where that thought came from? How it got to me and now that I have it. What am I going to do with it? WOW… a big word in my vocabulary but it says so much that other words just do not compare. It’s just a little three-letter word. It’s not always the word but the meaning that it instills in us. It helps us to open our eyes and to look deep within ourselves to the meaning of all. When I started looking, really looking and trying to find meaning in life, just in general like who am I? What am I going to do? Where am I going? How do I know I am making the right choices? General questions everyone asks at one time or another in their life. Life can be tricky, and many of us get lost in the process. To come trembling back home to the beginning and try all over again. However, some no longer wish to try and just want to give up on life and all its trials. Where would that take us? How would we grow? Many of us must learn the hard way and many of us just kind of glide along with the process asking no questions just allowing life to be. There is No growth… No wisdom… No healing.

Well, I have asked the questions, and I have answered the questions. Even so, the questions change from time to time as do the answers. That is what life is all about, living our human lives and our Spiritual lives to the fullest with excitement. Never giving up or stepping to the side, always to be present in the moment. While looking within to what it is that gives us the most joy in life? Sharing the adventure while learning to be a whole being, as we look within we will find what it is we need. We will find what it is we crave. We will find what it is we need to survive in this life time of ours. The answers all lie within each of us just waiting to be discovered. The thrill of understanding Spirit and what they have to offer us, all we need to do is go within and listen.

I have listened and spoken to Spirit. I have written the words Spirit so graciously has given to me. I have put the words to paper with the inspiration of knowing that I have found what I have been looking for without even realizing it. I have looked within, and the words poured out of me. What do I do now? I share what Spirit has given to me, words of wisdom, faith and understanding that we may all find our way when we make that giant step and look within. Now I share with you.

Stop the Children From Crying a River of Tears. To be released Dec. 26th, 2011.

Go to website kathygarbe.com  for a special offer.

Kathy Garbe Spiritual Medium and

Author of Butterfly Within:

kathygarbe@yahoo.com or 586-285-1583


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