The Magic of The Twelve Blessings – Now ON-LINE!


The Magic of The Twelve Blessings – Now ON-LINE!
By Chrissie Blaze

As I was writing this article on The Twelve Blessings, my husband, Gary – unaware of what I was doing – called from the other room, “Would you like to do a Service of The Twelve Blessings with me?” I hesitated, as I wanted to complete the article but on second thought, agreed; after all, this is what these Blessings are all about – Spiritual action. They were given through the extraordinary English Medium and Spiritual Master, George King in 1958, when he was overshadowed by Jesus over twelve consecutive Sundays to give these Blessings to the world.
This mystic text has found its way around the world for almost 60 years, transforming the lives of many. Whether one is Christian or not, nobody can deny the profound and lasting impact that Jesus has had upon our world. The sheer power of The Master Jesus’ life and teachings has spanned the centuries; so why did He need to give a further set of Teachings at this time?

The Twelve Blessings contain secrets and practices to help us at this crossroads in humanity’s evolution and to empower us to Spiritual action through this Era of Change. Jesus delivered these Blessings as an extension of the Sermon on the Mount, to include a Cosmic concept in keeping with the New Age in which we now live. His message is universal, reaching across and through the boundaries of religious dogma to a universal Spirituality that embraces all. The Twelve Blessings is not only a teaching of Oneness, but a Spiritual Practice of great power that we all can use to not only help heal our troubled world, but at the same time, profoundly help and heal ourselves.
The Master Jesus not only taught universal love, but He demonstrated the higher octaves of this great energy of Creation. His status is elevated; His teachings enlightened, and his mission far-reaching. The Twelve Blessings embodies His elevated teachings that are so relevant today – and so needed at this time of turmoil and chaos.
I knew from a young age that I was searching for something extraordinary. I felt there was something I could find that would make a profound difference to me and our world and spent years studying religious philosophies, Theosophical literature and many metaphysical tomes. As is so often the case on a spiritual quest, people, opportunities, books and teachers come along when least expected. I was just 16 when I was given a slim, blue volume entitled, The Twelve Blessings. I turned it in my hand and felt a rising excitement. This was my moment; the initiation into deepest Truth that I had been seeking!

I have found that not only is The Twelve Blessings so relevant to this Age, but is the essence, the core of my own spiritual practices. It brings me spiritual sustenance, strength and inspiration when the world around is cold and dark. It brings me love, hope and faith; it brings me joy, as well as a certain protection that I have needed on several occasions. The Twelve Blessings can prepare us all by strengthening us and bringing light and healing to our world.

More importantly though, is the future of our world. The Twelve Blessings reveals its sacred mysteries through the language of direct action. These wonderful Blessings illustrate how we can use the practical wisdom within its pages to unfold our soul’s highest potential and help transform the world – through our love in action, the song of our soul – prayer.

Every Monday, we join together at The Aetherius Society Temple for a beautiful Service of The Twelve Blessings. Please join us if you can! The world needs our love and our prayers! The Service is at 8 p.m. and includes distant healing for those who need this. The venue is: 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073. Tel: 248-588-0290.

We also now hold an on-line Service of The Twelve Blessings every Saturday evening at 8:30 p.m. These Services are broadcast out of Michigan and Los Angeles. On Sundays, these Services are broadcast out of London, England. You can join in with any of these Services via your computer. Please go to: where you will find out how to tune-in and participate in prayer with like-minded people all over the world. The website also has many fascinating videos, testimonials and articles. Join with me and others each Saturday for this 30 minute Service!

Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is an author of 11 published books, speaker and regular media guest. She is an ordained priest and co-host of Aetherius Radio Live at the third Tuesday each month at 1 p.m. She was a 25 year disciple of the Society’s Founder, the Spiritual Master, Dr. George King at both the European Headquarters in London and the American Headquarters in Los Angeles. She moved with her husband, Gary, to the Michigan Branch in 2008 to help promote and support the Society in this spiritually significant area.


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