Recovery As a Connection to the Divine


By Jen Romanowski

Recovery is a journey, a path that can be both challenging and transformative. Whether you are seeking to recover from addiction or behaviors that are not aligned with your highest purpose, the process often involves much more than simply overcoming physical or psychological dependencies. At its core, recovery is about understanding a power greater than ourselves—a power transcending our current human experience. In this sense, recovery isn’t just about healing; it’s about waking up to our spiritual journey. A connection to the divine can be crucial in overcoming personal struggles and learning to trust in the Universe.

This is why many recovery programs incorporate the concept of a higher power or a power outside of yourself. Those of us in recovery understand that our old selves and egos often lead us down a dark path. It is only in admitting that we put ourselves in the position to recover that we will often begin to understand that we need the divine to help us on our journey.

Understanding the Divine

But what does it mean to understand the divine? And how does it feel in our mind, body, and spirit? The divine is often perceived as an omnipresent force, both within us and around us, guiding us and providing a sense of purpose. This connection to the divine can manifest as a deep sense of peace, inner knowing, or feeling supported by something greater than ourselves.

Understanding the divine can bring clarity and calmness to our minds. It can help quiet the incessant chatter of doubts and fears, replacing them with a sense of purpose and direction. In our bodies, this connection can manifest as a sense of relaxation and well-being, a feeling that we are exactly where we need to be at any given moment. In our spirits, the divine connection can ignite a profound sense of belonging and unity with the world around us.

Ultimately, the more we focus on understanding the divine, the more we’ll begin to notice the subtle ways that it makes itself known to us.

The Importance of a Divine Connection in Recovery

The road to recovery can be fraught with challenges, and without a connection to the divine, it can be an uphill battle. However, when we tap into this higher power, we find that we are not alone on this journey. We have guidance, support, and a sense of purpose that can help us navigate the complexities of recovery. Here are three tips to help you cultivate a daily connection to the divine:

  1. Daily Meditation and Prayer

Set aside time each day to sit in quiet contemplation or prayer. This practice can help you tune into your inner self and the divine presence within and around you. Whether it’s five minutes or an hour, this time can provide a sanctuary of peace and a deeper sense of connection.

  1. Mindful Living

Practice mindfulness in your daily activities. Whether you’re eating, walking, or simply breathing, bring your full awareness to the present moment. This mindfulness can help you recognize the divine in the mundane, turning everyday experiences into opportunities for spiritual connection.

  1. Gratitude Journaling

Keep a gratitude journal where you note things you are thankful for daily. This practice can shift your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in your life, helping you see the divine blessings that surround you. Gratitude can open your heart and mind to a deeper connection with the Universe.

At the end of the day…

Recovery is not a linear path; it ebbs and flows, filled with moments of progress and setbacks. But no matter how difficult the journey may seem, never give up. Each new day is another opportunity to reconnect with the divine and take steps toward your desired life.

“It may happen quickly or slowly, and as long as you trust in the Universe, it will always happen.”

Trust in the process and believe you are supported by a power greater than yourself. With a strong connection to the divine, the road to recovery becomes a path to healing and a journey to spiritual awakening and fulfillment.

Jen Romanowski

a.k.a Sunshine – The Pink-haired Psychic Medium, High Priestess, Reiki Master, and Sober Witch, has been practicing for over 25 years. She is a psychic medium, high priestess, reiki master, spiritual advisor, recovering alcoholic, and Creatrix of Illuminate: The Unschool of Sober Witchcraft. Contact her to discuss your spiritual journey at Cell Phone: 313-595-4148


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