Shea Vaughn’s Breakthrough


The 5 Living Principles to Defeat Stress, Look Great & Find Total Well-Being

Shea Vaughn

Founder of Sheanetics

“I’m grateful my mom took the time to share her passion in this book. Her work ethic and optimism have always inspired me.”Vince Vaughn, Actor

“I practice internal medicine. What I found in SheaNetics was a program that improved my strength, increased my flexibility, and reduced stress.” –Michael Sommerfeld, M.D.Internal Medicine

Shea Vaughn, mother of actor Vince Vaughn, is a 25-year veteran of the fitness industry.As afitness expert, professional trainer and wellness coach, Vaughn has become a spokeswoman for creating well-being at any age with her upcoming bookBreakthrough: The 5 Living Principles to Defeat Stress, Look Great, and Find Total Well-Being(October 2011, HCI Books).

What Vaughn discovered, from both fitness training and personal experience, is that women over 45 often feel like they are spinning their wheels and failing to live up to their own expectations. She says the problem is a lack of a mind-body connection, which can lead to depression, discouragement, disconnect, and deflation in body, mind, and heart.

In Breakthrough,Vaughn offers women her Five Living Principles within a self-styled East-meets-West lifestyle, wellness and exercise practice developed from her own life lessons, decades of training in many disciplines and influenced by eastern philosophy that is tailored to address specific issues facing women over 45.

“The Five Living Principles of Well-Being: Commitment, Perseverance, Self-Control, Integrity, and Love, are an inspirational force in helping me create a positive lifestyle with a healthy body and the supportive mental and emotional paradigm to deal with changing and demanding times,” says Vaughn. “One encourages the other and together they help you find balance, self-confidence and a personal state of well-being.”

Vaughn herself is no stranger to this phenomenon: a mother and entrepreneur, she has had similar personal challenges which led her to find a new way of living, including reconnecting her emotional health with her physical health and founding SheaNetics®, a revolutionaryblend of ancient and contemporary values and movements that deliver a powerful mind-body experience. Followers of this practice get in shape, feel great and naturally make life-healthy choices

From recipes for well-being to creating your safe space to “meditation in motion and thought”, Breakthrough offers a jumpstart for women looking to redefine their way of life in a sustainable way.

SHEA VAUGHN ( a certified personal trainer whose clients include professional athletes and prominent executives. Trained in ballet, Tai-Chi, martial arts, ZUMBA, yoga, pilates and more, Vaughn is well-versed in Eastern practices, including meditation for growth and stress reduction. Her DVD workouts have been featured on QVC and she has appeared onnational and local television, radio, and in print media.She is also afeatured expert on “The Best Ever You Network”,lives in Chicago, and lectures nationally.

LISTEN TO BODY MIND SPIRIT RADIO interview:On the Edge with Chrissie Blaze talks to Shea Vaughn

Available wherever books are sold or to order directly from the publisher, go or call (800) 441-5569.

ISBN:9780757315933 — $16.95 – October 2011


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