By Barbra White
Did you ever ask: “Why is my neck so tight!” Did you know our emotions and energy affect our bodies directly? This is, of course, the mind-body connection. When we have discomfort in our body, it’s our body’s way of asking for compassionate self-awareness and love.
We physically restrict parts of our body’s energy and health….as a form of protection. The neck and throat are our places of self-expression. Maybe this is why neck pain is so common. We don’t feel safe to be ourselves? Humans are the only animal that literally unconsciously kills themselves –as a form of protection.
Humans that have been marginalized, systemically disempowered, or have a trauma history will suffer this ‘self-protective’ shutdown the most (women, people of color). However, forcing ourselves to express ourselves is also not the answer. Radical self-love is embracing these parts of ourselves that need to be loved and held. (Especially the parts trying to protect us) Trying to push through them or force your expression out aggressively will only retraumatize YOU.
Growing and unfolding slowly, gently….like a flower actually leads to richer and more powerful expressions. It’s the opposite of our industrial growth, chronic individualism, hyper masculine-spirituality b.s. teaches us.
Real healing takes time. Healing at the pace of nature and the nervous system will not disempower someone….it will lead to enjoying everyday life AND healing.
“Research has shown that a woman physiologically needs to feel safe to feel her passion,” Naomi Wolf in the book Vagina.
Maybe that’s why depression is TWICE the rate in women than in men? Women don’t feel safe. Sensuality or passion…. is NOT even about sexuality. It’s about being in all our senses and really being embodied. Considering that over 50% of women have been sexually assaulted. And all women’s bodies have been objectified, measured, and controlled by patriarchy for thousands of years….. It’s in our cellular memory.
It’s radical for a woman to claim her body sensuality and truth! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from women I’ve worked with that think something is wrong with them, that they don’t feel their sexual life force energy. ***What they may not realize….. they’re actually saying….they don’t feel safe in this world.
Rooted in our bodies and voice –we have the capacity to hear our boundaries and needs. Otherwise, we don’t. If we don’t feel safe…we become dumping grounds for other people’s pain, darkness, and projections. Power is protective.
A healthy masculine man is impeccable with his word and present with a woman’s emotions. A woman cannot heal, love, or teach a man about integrity. This is labor she is NOT meant to do. He must birth his own True Self and fiercely choose to be a safe harbor of presence and peace; instead of a violent storm. Women need to stop caretaking men. This puts her in danger and stunts his growth. Being a living demonstration is the greatest way to heal another. Being fully yourself is the medicine. A woman CAN claim her truth, live fully, and lead in her living example.
“If women would tell the truth about their lives, there would be a seismic shift in the world.” Pamela Madsen
Self-empowerment and opening your heart is protective…. NOT going small and shutting down….this makes us a target. A woman who owns her body, feelings, and desires is a force of nature and a dynamic healing vortex.
Sept 21, Step into Confidence, Power and Reclaim Your Truth (for women) Plymouth Community Arts 744 N. Sheldon. 6-9 pm $45-75. Sept 17th Nature Re-set, chi gong (like tai chi), and horses at Mother Bear Sanctuary $45-55 734-796-6690. Individual sessions on zoom and at One Spirit in Pickney.