Taking Flight Through Movement


Taking Flight Through Movement


Taking Flight Through Movement by Darlene Danko Sowa is a paradigm-shifting book about moving with spirit.  Spirit is our essence and moving is our nature.  We were all born to move to the beat of our own drummer, to participate in an exquisite dance with nature, to experience the beauty of creation and to celebrate the radiance of a glowing spirit.  But somehow we forgot. 

Moving with spirit helps us to remember.  It helps us to surrender to the rhythmic flow of life and experience once again what it’s like to live from the sacred space of the heart.  If you want to move into a new way of being in this world, Taking Flight Through Movement will help you make that move.  This book will not only change the way you look at exercise, it will change the way you look at life.  Available through Amazon.com or through special order at your favorite bookstore.


Darlene Danko Sowa, MA, CHTP, is a certified Healing Touch practitioner and an exercise physiologist.  Her experience in the combined fields of health promotion and energy medicine span over 30 years.  As an author, energy medicine practitioner, speaker, workshop leader, and lifestyle visionary, Darlene works to help people expand their vision of who they are and what they came here to do.  In addition to her private practice she offers a variety of diversified programs including Munay Ki, monthly meditation circle, Mackinac Island Women’s Wisdom Weekend, and Higher Vision Fitness playshops.  She can be contacted at darstar1@sbcglobal.net or 586-979-9060.


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