What matters most in life? A new car? A big house? How about inner peace and love and wisdom? Without them, nothing else really matters. But how do you achieve inner peace? Through perspective and self awareness. And what kind of love am I talking about? Not the kind you display on a necklace or T-shirt, but a deep caring and concern for yourself and for others. A sharing of emotion and affection with honest, deep rooted intentions.
I say ‘caring for yourself’ because it’s important to know who you are and love and accept yourself. Self love often gets confused with one’s ego. There is a lot of “me fIrst” in the world these days. But once you realize that life is not about what you can do for yourself, but how you can help others, your life takes a turn and there is meaning and purpose. The best thing you can do for yourself is to realize you are a miracle, full of possibility and never give up.
One of the hardest lessons I have learned and everyone should realize, is that life can change in an instant. We shouldn’t take friends or loved ones for granted. It’s sad how a couple that has been together for many years starts to treat each other with little respect. Friends and family just assume you will always be there and people stop making an effort to make life special, or let you know that they are thinking about you. So much energy is put into comparing ourselves to others. Who said life is a contest? It’s all perspective anyway, so if you decide what you have or who you are is enough, who can tell you it isn’t?
I used to think that “babies were miracles” — now I realize we are all miracles and every day we wake up is a miracle and it shouldn’t be wasted in angst and anger. It always amazes me when someone dies and people say, “What a shame.” Spoiler alert: we are all going to die and the shame is in not telling that person before they left this earth how much you cared for them, and knowing you did the most you could for them.
I realize that putting these thoughts into action is not simple. It takes effort, and we are often caught up in the day-to-day activities that we think are necessary to get by. But if you can find some time to think about life every day, give thanks for what you have and be nice to those in your life, you will begin to see and feel a change. Getting through the day will be more pleasant, focusing on love and self awareness.
Lisa is a Detroit area on-air radio personality available to speak at group functions and/or host events. She shares her personal journey with love and laughter! Learn her insights and wisdom as she empowers others to live a happier, more fulfilling life. Call: 248-207-5526 Email: Lisalovebarry@gmail.com Visit: www.Lisabarry.net