The True Spirit of Christmas


On November 13, just as I completed this article about the true Spirit of Christmas, I turned on CNN News and watched the horrific siege of Paris in which as of this moment, over 150 people have been killed by terrorists. I wept tears for the people and their families and for all the people of Paris who were in shock at this senseless violence, as I knew that many people around the world were also doing. These are the end days; either you are on the side of good, or the side of darkness and evil. It sounds dramatic but it is true. We can no longer sit on the sidelines wondering, What we should do.

I think this applies particularly to the group of people worldwide known as “New Age”. We are generally not tied to any specific religion but often have great respect and love for several or all religions. We understand terms such as “Oneness” and “Universal Spirituality” rather than “dogma” and “my way is the only way.” Because of this, we have more responsibility than the average person to act in spiritual ways – and especially at terrible times like this. For during this day of terrorism in Paris, people not only lost their lives but yet another awful blot tore and damaged the already fragile karma of humanity. Just as we share in each other’s triumphs, we also share in the tragedies that now occur all too frequently upon our world. We cannot wash our hands of them if we truly believe in Oneness.

We may feel depressed or weep at the increasing violence we see; or we may bury our heads in the sand and tell ourselves only to focus on what is pleasant and good. I believe that this is the time for us to be clear about what is happening on our planet; to work out what we can do to help heal and harmonize – and then to act. One thing the New Age movement has been criticized for is the fact that it is fragmented. At times like this we can come together in spiritual action, such as prayer, irrespective of our beliefs. And this of course applies to all humanity, not just those of us in the New Age movement.

This is especially true as we lead up to Christmas, which is often a difficult time of the year. While December 25 is not the true birthday of The Master Jesus – that is March 15 –it is a time when the world celebrates this great Avatar of Love. If we really wish to embrace the true spirit of Christmas, then we would not just eat, drink and be merry with our friends and family; we would remember and offer our thanks for the sacrifice and the outstanding Love of this One.

If a critical mass of people did this, the world would change for the better. If our world changes for the better and consciousness is risen, eventually terrorism can no longer exist. However, this won’t happen overnight and it doesn’t happen with just wishing and hoping. It happens through commitment, hard work; discipline and constant spiritual practices. It happens when we open our hearts to forgiveness, respect and love. It happens when we reach a point where we have had enough of the craziness of our world and every fiber of our being urges us to give over our lives to something higher and more important than we are; to heal others and to help heal the world, in whichever way speaks to us. It happens when people of like mind and heart come together to offer their support for a spiritual cause, such as the one I have embraced for several decades – The Aetherius Society.

I urge you in the coming weeks leading up to Christmas to put aside some time each day – even if it is only 15 or 20 minutes, to breathe deeply and evenly to find that place of peace deep within you; to open your hearts and offer prayers of thankfulness for the coming to this Earth of The Master Jesus; and to send prayers of healing for those who are sick and suffering, and for the whole world.

We may try and convince ourselves that we don’t have the time, and yet we waste far more than 15-20 minutes each day. If we can uphold and live the true spirit of Christmas, we will influence and uplift those around us – and by the laws of physics – the whole world. Isn’t this the greatest gift we could possibly give this Christmas?

To fire up this Christmas spirit even more, and to join together with people of like mind and heart, please come to our lecture on Friday, December 4 for, The Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, and learn, among other things, about one of Their significant rituals that takes place during the Christmas period each year.

Listen to our radio show, Aetherius Radio Live on “The Angel Peace and the Goddess Love” on Tuesday, December 15 at 1pm on
Please join us at The Aetherius Society for our Christmas Carol Service on Sunday, December 20 at 11am followed by a social and refreshments. Join with us in our online Services of The Twelve Blessings, the New Age Teachings of Jesus by visiting Also, on Friday, January 14, 2016 at 7:30pm, I shall be giving a lecture on “The Astrological Perspective of 2016” to help prepare us all for what promises to be another challenging year ahead. (Please see separate ad for details).

Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is an international speaker and teacher; an author of eleven published books; a radio show host and ordained priest. She was a close student of renowned Yoga Master, Dr. George King, Founder of The Aetherius Society, for over 25 years.


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