Using a Higher Point of View in Any Situation


Using a Higher Point of View in Any Situation
by Miche Lame

According to A Course in Miracles, we have holy encounters all the time. Each encounter, even with ourselves, is holy. When the encounter is positive, no problem. Yet, what about the times our buttons are pushed, we’re frustrated, angry, grieving, or any other negative emotion? Can we see these encounters from a more divine or higher point of view? I think it just takes practice, love, acceptance, and gratitude.

First, allow yourself to breathe and be present. To really acknowledge the emotions that are triggered in the encounter. Suppression makes things worse. So be authentic with yourself and acknowledge the emotion. You want authenticity? It starts with you, even when it’s unpleasant to feel and accept it. Science has also shown that acknowledging our negative emotions actually leads to more positive feelings. I think this is because energy is not being wasted suppressing emotions. As we acknowledge them, they are often released, leaving room and energy for the positive emotions we want. Being authentic and accepting all our emotions is also a way to love and feel love for ourselves.

After acknowledging the emotion, breathe again. Breathe in the emotion, take a step back and observe what is happening in that holy encounter. Be present in the moment and experience what’s happening. See this person/situation as a teacher or lesson. What can you learn from this teacher or lesson? What are they here to show you? The Creator always has your back, so there is a positive reason for having this growth encounter.

Look at your thoughts and assumptions. How have your thoughts and assumptions helped create this situation? Check out the assumptions and stories you tell yourself. Is there a pattern to your encounters? If so, loving, healthy script.

How are your actions and reactions contributing to the negativity of the encounter? Are you telling yourself you should do or feel a certain way? Or that it’s always been this way; nothing will change. If so, so be it! You just created it. Our words and thoughts have power.

It’s always a warning sign if you tell yourself that everybody else whos at fault. Try using the hoponopono idea of taking responsibility as we are all connected. Then, let go of it being anyone’s fault and keep the lessons you’ve learned and take action on them. Otherwise, I find you’ll get another opportunity to show you’ve learned the lesson.

Remember, every encounter is holy and contains a loving lesson to be learned. The Creator sends them into our lives to deliver the lessons we need most in our lives. So, let’s be grateful for these honey encounters, especially the ones we can learn the most from, and see them as a blessing from the Divine.


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