What if Every Thought was a Prayer?

By Miche Lame’

What if every thought was a prayer? What are your thoughts saying that you’re praying for? Thoughts create emotions, which create a force of energy toward an action. As we are creators, as Source, our Creator, made us in its image, what we think, we create. Our divine mission is to listen for the voice of Source, willfully change our thoughts to be in agreement with the love we are, and act on that love.

Just take the time to be still, and go within to the part of us that is eternal, the spark of the divine, the Creator. And to grow our connection with our Source. As our relationship with Source grows and becomes stronger, more often, we are more easily able to respond with the Love connection we have. We are becoming a lighthouse of joy and love, shining this joy and love to everyone and everywhere.

What would happen if you committed to see and think of everyone you meet as a divine being, see that divine spark in them – just for one day? Just committing to validate and see the Light, the Love of the divine, in everyone you meet, regardless of whether they are acting nice. Knowing that if they are not, they are acting in defense, out of their ego, and it’s not from their true self, love. Change your negative thoughts to positive ones, no matter who they appear to be or what the situation appears to be. And then, can you do that with yourself? See yourself as divine, letting go of any negative thoughts you have about yourself.

Seeing the divine in yourself can be challenging when you are listening to a negative voice inside that’s from your shadow self or ego. Just close your eyes and allow yourself to know the divine being you are. That those negative voices and thoughts are not you, just a script that no longer serves you, it no longer protects you from fear, disappointment, sadness, grief, or emotional or physical harm. The negativity may be drawing those very same experiences to you. Just let them go knowing they are not the true you.

As our relationship with Source grows, our thoughts start transforming. They become more loving and mindful in the present moment. The ego’s negative voice becomes smaller, and the defensiveness lowers, so we stop taking things so personally as confirmation of our shadow self and start attracting more joyful and loving experiences.

We can look at what we’re praying for when we realize that every thought is a prayer. For your mom to stop bugging you? That boss to just go to H*#!? That partner to just leave you alone?

What happens when the energy focused around it brings that thought to fruition? Do you want any of those things to happen?

And what about those negative names? Do we want to label people like “bastard,” “bitch” or one close to my heart, “stupid”? Let’s stop demeaning each other. Those words hurt and help create the person being just that by validating their own neg thoughts of their shadow self, and your thoughts, fueled with your emotions, will create just that in your experience. Those thoughts, words, and energy of your emotions disallow others to be their authentic selves, Love and Light. They, especially with our young, who are like sponges and take on the stories they are told and start to believe they are stupid, horrible, bad, etc. – not the Love they are.

Using negative thoughts and labels, these are prayers that create that negativity in unconscious ways and sometime consciously when the ego is threatened. And, we lose our connection with the divine, with Love, and create fear and separation. Divine Love is of free will and won’t go where pushed away. The vibrations are too different.

What if we use our thoughts and our prayers to become Love? Thinking and acting with love as Christ, the Buddha, did. It’s about a process of continuing to take a breath and be mindful in the moment as to where you are at, love or fear. A great practice is to set an alarm hourly and, at that time, to take a breath, see things objectively, look at our thoughts, and connect with Love—the energy of the whole day changes.

What happens when we hold the energy of defense, negative emotions? We get more conflict. What if we had the energy of an open heart connected with Love? Make more connections with Love, be the lighthouse shining Love and Light. We all want the same things – love, connection, and peace. Let’s help each other get that and create heaven on earth with our loving thoughts. As we now know, in the quantum field, we are all connected. In the energy of the divine, we are all connected. So, let’s create positive thoughts because each thought is a prayer and creates.

Love and Light,

Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P


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